Microsoft Flight Simulator X returns home

Jose Antunes
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2019


Microsoft announced today that as part of its plans to develop Flight Simulator 2020, Flight Simulator X returns to the company. Support and future developments will be made under Microsoft’s banner.

Those expecting fresh news about Flight Simulator 2020 may have been a bit disappointed by today’s news, but for those who have invested a lot in Flight Simulator X and still use it, there are good news: the agreement Microsoft entered with Dovetail Games that allowed FSX to appear on Steam has ended, and as the partnership agreement ends, Dovetail Games leaves the field — as I have suggested they would do — and going forward, Microsoft will take over support of Flight Simulator X. It does not stop there, apparently, as the company also says that “we look forward to sharing our next steps with the community in the very near future.”

As suggested in previous articles, Dovetail Games is leaving the flight simulation area, and this announcement makes me believe, even more, that the unexpected shutdown of Flight Sim World, last year, is all related to Microsoft preparing the path to the introduction of Flight Simulator 2020. A new flight simulator that, now, will received by the classic Microsoft Flight Simulator X, the last version created by Microsoft and, for some years, left “orphan”. Good to see it return back home.

Microsoft on accountability and responsibility

The return of FSX to Microsoft is a welcome step in the long story of the simulation and while Dovetail Games leaves the scene, this change will not impact your game experience or impact existing or future add-ons purchased from Steam, said Microsoft.

The return of Microsoft Flight Simulator X is, according to the company, “an important step in embracing our accountability and responsibility to those that have come before us. And to those that continue to value and invest in the Microsoft Flight Simulator X experience.” That passion, investment, and appreciation must be recognized and reflected in our commitment to carry the Microsoft Flight Simulator franchise into the next generation. We are not building on, but building from, the product and history that is Microsoft Flight Simulator X.

Will FSX follow Prepar3D into 64bit?

The letter published by Microsoft ends with a note: Today, with a bit of bittersweet sentiment, we say “Welcome Home” to an old friend. It also states that “more on our FSX plans coming soon…” suggesting that those still using the simulator should keep an eye on what’s coming from Microsoft in the coming weeks.

While everybody is excited about the next-gen Flight Simulator 2020 recently announced by the company, the truth is that, even if it’s an old 32bit app, FSX continues to be the simulator used by many, and having it back at Microsoft, despite all the stories we remember, may be a better option than to have it with DoveTail Games.

Going forward, it will be interesting to see what happens, not only with FSX, but also with Prepar3D. Will the 32bit FSX follow the same path as Prepar3D and move to 64bit? Does it make any sense? I wish someone at Microsoft would answer these and other questions regarding the return of the company to flight simulation. Is it something they really want to move forward, independently of changes in the company, or will it all just go away after the excitement created by recent news, and now this “return home” story?



Jose Antunes

I am a writer and photographer based on the West coast of continental Europe, a place to see the Sun die on the Sea, every day.