The cover of my new eBook with voyages inside Elite: Dangerous Odyssey

Nebulas & Guardians — beauty and mystery in Elite: Dangerous Odyssey

I have just finished creating a new eBook with images from my voyages in Elite: Dangerous Odyssey and found one more reason for doing so: preserving my images of those adventures.

Published in
5 min readNov 5, 2023


With my three Commanders onboard the Fleet Carrier The Yellow Star, I’ve spent one month at the Eta Carina Nebula and Sector, in Elite: Dangerous Odyssey (EDO), for one project that is the most ambitious of those I’ve created based using the space simulation: while my ten-month voyage with an expedition was the longest journey I ever did in EDO, this journey is the maiden voyage for my Fleet Carrier, The Yellow Star, acquired after a journey of seven weeks - organized by Commander Fuinnel — through some of the most fantastic Nebulas in the game pointed me in the right direction: to get my own carrier. What I did.

From discovering Earth Like Worlds to the exploration of Ancient Ruins from the Guardians, a lost civilization, Elite: Dangerous Odyssey has a variety of things to do if you love space and science-fiction

This first voyage is all about two things that amaze me in EDO: Nebulas and Guardians. The first I already liked but discovered in all their wonder through the voyage shared in one other eBook you’ll find in this collection from Yellow Cat Comics; the second, which impressed me from the first moment I landed on a Guardian site, mixes my passion for archaeology and field work registering those signs from the past with the fantastic lore around the civilization in EDO.

The architecture of the different Ancient Guardian Ruins, with all its variations, tells the evolution of the civilization

Mining for Tritium is my next goal

The eBook — 53 spreads — covers the work of the three Commanders — and my alts — participating in this expedition. Attributing different tasks to each of them makes for some “role-playing” that makes things interesting but also helps to reduce the boredom that can happen if you’re a long time away from the bubble, stuck with only one character.

Having three Commanders, each of them responsible for different areas of the field work, allows you to change from exobiology to archaeology or planetary investigation. It is an interesting arrangement that I want to explore further in the future, by introducing mining for Tritium (needed to power the Fleet Carrier), as another experience that can be explored… safely, away from the Bubble. I am aware that it is not the most exciting way to spend time, but it can be taken as “something else to do” and a way to keep you in the black for longer.

Exobiology in Odyssey is more than a money-making activity, it’s a reason to make you visit new places, some of them simply amazing

The best way to preserve the memory of a journey

The images published here are some of the hundreds captured during the last month, most of them in high res, the only way to have the detail you will find in the eBook. But why one eBook, you might ask? Well, it is the best way I know to preserve the memory of a journey together, as a pack, instead of the single images that vanish rapidly online, where they are digested and forgotten in a day or so.

The cover of Nebulas & Guardians - Volume I, and the Fleet Carrier the Yellow Star with the three Sidewinders spaceships used for Exobiology

I recently had the — bad — experience of discovering my collection of 18 stories, crafted with my photography from the real world, not being there when I opened the link to where they used to be… and were for years. The website used to keep those stories closed, I guess, and while I still have the texts and images in my archive, the “window” into my work that the collection of stories represented is gone. My first thought was to create one eBook with those 18 stories, something I might do…

Like you would do in real life, in Elite: Dangerous you also stop to admire the beauty of the landscapes and the sky above you. In VR it is breathtaking!

The explanation above says it all! Even the stories published here at Medium — like this one — might not be here in the future (who knows?), but one eBook not only packs a whole lot of information in a series of pages, it is also something easily shared with people. Books, even digital, are forever, I dare say.

Although my eBooks at Global Comix are not downloadable — it’s a way for me to understand how many people look at them — the fact that a collection of images and texts can be packed in a simple .pdf document that can be sent through the Internet makes for an interesting way to keep your memories, be it from adventures in Elite: Dangerous Odyssey or any other experience you participate in. Yes, there is a suggestion, here, for others to follow. It is not so hard, nowadays, to create eBooks.

Some of the most fantastic places in Elite: Dangerous can be found in Nebulas and Notable Stellar Phenomena

So, my Nebulas & Guardians — beauty and mystery in Elite: Dangerous Odyssey is now available for those interested in reading about the voyage. You will probably notice that it’s “Volume I”, meaning that the first part of the journey was so incredibly exciting that the second destination will have its own Volume. Volume 2!

We just arrived there, and field work is starting, with more Nebulas, Notable Stellar Phenomena and Guardian Ruins to explore!



Jose Antunes

I am a writer and photographer based on the West coast of continental Europe, a place to see the Sun die on the Sea, every day.