Micro Frontends: Comparing Leading Frameworks

Oleksandr Ovcharov
Outreach Prague
Published in
10 min readMar 6, 2024
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So, you’ve decided to use micro frontend architecture. That’s a good choice! Micro frontends are revolutionizing the way web applications are developed, bringing in more flexibility and efficiency. But what exactly are they?

At its core, micro frontend architecture is an approach to developing web applications as a collection of smaller, independent units rather than a single monolithic app. This concept borrows heavily from the microservices architecture used in backend development, focusing on dividing a large application into smaller, manageable pieces. Each piece, or ‘micro frontend’, can be developed, tested, and deployed independently, yet when combined, they create a seamless and cohesive user experience.

Something similar to what we do in Outreach. Each micro-frontend is an NPM package with its own dependencies

This architecture offers several compelling benefits:

  • Team Autonomy: Allows different teams to work on different parts of the application simultaneously without interfering with each other. This autonomy promotes efficiency and reduces bottlenecks in development.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Enables new features or updates to be rolled out to individual components without the need for redeploying the entire application. This aspect significantly enhances the scalability and flexibility of the application.
  • Technology Agnosticism: It is technology-agnostic, meaning teams can choose the best technology stack for each micro frontend. This flexibility prevents the entire application from being tied to a single technology stack, allowing for more innovative and suitable tech choices for different components.

However, as with any architectural approach, it’s not without challenges. Integrating multiple independently developed components into a single product can be complex. Ensuring consistent look and feel, maintaining performance, and handling shared data are just a few of the hurdles one might face.

“A circular dependency, where each micro frontend relies on the other, leading to potential challenges in deployment and updates. If one service updates its data structure or API, it could inadvertently impact the other, necessitating a simultaneous update in both services.”

In the following sections, we’ll dive deeper into what makes micro frontend architectures distinct, explore various approaches like Iframe based micro frontends, WebComponents, Module Federation, and NPM Packages, and look at some real-world examples. Finally, we’ll compare these approaches on key points to help you make an informed decision for your project.

What Makes Micro-Frontend Architectures Distinct?

Micro frontend architectures are not just a single approach, but rather a spectrum of strategies, each with its unique characteristics and use cases. Let’s explore some key variants and understand what sets them apart.

Routing: Loading Same Applications

Traditional web applications often rely on a single routing system. However, in micro frontends, routing can be dynamic and decentralized. This approach allows different parts of the application to be loaded independently based on user interaction or other criteria. For instance, a user navigating to a specific section of your app could trigger the loading of a particular micro frontend. This results in a more modular and flexible routing mechanism, enhancing user experience and performance.

Iframe Based Microfrontend

The Iframe-based approach encapsulates each micro frontend within an iframe. This method offers a high degree of isolation, as each micro frontend operates in its own sandboxed/separate DOM and global environment. It’s excellent for integrating legacy applications or ensuring complete separation between different parts of the application.
A significant advantage of this approach lies in its ability to prevent CSS leakage. By confining CSS to the scope of its respective iframe, this method ensures that style definitions from one micro-frontend do not inadvertently impact others, thereby upholding a consistent and controlled styling framework throughout the application.

However, it can come with challenges in styling consistency and performance overhead.


WebComponents allow for the creation of reusable custom elements with their encapsulated functionality, making them a natural fit for micro frontends. They provide a way to build a consistent UI across different frameworks and technologies. One of the key strengths of WebComponents is their native browser support, offering a more seamless integration without the need for additional frameworks or libraries.

Module Federation

A concept popularized by Webpack 5, Module Federation enables JavaScript applications to dynamically load code from other applications. This approach is groundbreaking as it allows for sharing live code between different builds, enabling teams to develop independently deployable micro frontends that can still share dependencies and components.

NPM Packages

Leveraging NPM packages for micro frontends involves encapsulating each part of your application as an installable package. This method is beneficial for sharing common functionality across multiple applications or components. It provides a familiar and standardized way of managing dependencies but requires careful version management to avoid conflicts and ensure compatibility.

What to choose?

Let’s revise that part for a smoother transition and add a bit more guidance on selecting the appropriate micro frontend approach.

Each of these approaches offers distinct advantages and potential drawbacks, highlighting the diversity and adaptability of micro frontend architectures. When deciding which method to adopt, it’s essential to consider not just the technical capabilities, but also factors like your team’s expertise, the existing technology stack, and the specific goals of your project. For instance, if you’re integrating a legacy system, an iframe-based approach might be ideal. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a more modern, seamless integration, WebComponents or Module Federation could be more suitable.

Selecting the right micro frontend architecture is a balancing act. It involves weighing the level of isolation you need against the ease of integration, the autonomy of individual teams versus the cohesion of the application as a whole, and the flexibility of the architecture against the complexity it introduces. Remember, the ultimate goal is to enhance your application’s scalability, maintainability, and development speed without compromising on user experience.

As we explore these different facets of micro frontend architectures, we gain a clearer understanding of how they can be leveraged to build more robust, scalable, and efficient web applications. The journey through the world of micro frontends is not just about choosing a technology but also about adopting a mindset that embraces modularity, independence, and collaboration.

A Deeper Study on Different Micro Frontend Architectures

In the realm of micro frontends, several frameworks have gained prominence for their unique approaches and capabilities. While we won’t cover every available framework, we’ll focus on a few that are particularly noteworthy and align well with the distinct aspects of micro frontend architecture we’ve discussed. These frameworks are not only popular but also exemplify different approaches and solutions to common challenges in micro frontend development. Let’s take a closer look at each of them:


Bit is a toolchain for component-driven development. It stands out for its ability to isolate and manage components independently across different projects. This makes it highly suitable for scenarios where reusability and component sharing are priorities. Bit is particularly effective when you need to build a consistent UI across multiple applications, or when multiple teams are working on different parts of an application but need to share components seamlessly. It aligns well with the principles of WebComponents, offering a more structured and scalable approach to component management.

Webpack 5 and Module Federation

Module Federation, a feature in Webpack 5, enables separate builds to form a single application. It’s a game-changer for micro frontends as it allows for sharing dependencies and modules in real-time across different frontend applications. This approach is ideal for large-scale projects where different teams might be working on different features or services but need to share common functionality or libraries. It’s particularly beneficial for gradual migration of large applications to a micro frontend architecture, as it allows for incremental adoption without the need for a complete rewrite.

Single SPA

Single SPA specializes in coexisting micro frontends, allowing you to use multiple frameworks in a single-page application. This makes it an excellent choice for projects where different teams prefer different technologies or for gradually introducing new frameworks into an existing application. Single SPA excels in scenarios where you need the flexibility to choose different technologies for different parts of your application, yet maintain a cohesive and unified user experience. Its routing-based approach aligns with the dynamic loading of micro frontends, offering a high degree of flexibility and control.


Piral is a framework for creating modular micro frontend applications based on React. It focuses on simplicity and developer experience, making it easy to create and connect micro frontends. Piral is particularly well-suited for projects where React is the primary technology, and there’s a need for a high degree of consistency and integration between different parts of the application. It leverages the concept of a shared layout and global state, making it easier to maintain a uniform user experience across different micro frontends.

When selecting a micro frontend framework, it’s crucial to consider not just the technical capabilities but also the specific needs and context of your project. Each of these frameworks has its strengths in different scenarios, whether it’s component reusability, technology agnosticism, incremental migration, or simplicity in a React-based ecosystem. By understanding these nuances, you can select a framework that aligns best with your project’s goals, team structure, and existing technology stack.

In a project I worked on, we first chose Single SPA for a big e-commerce site. We liked Single SPA because it let different teams use the tech they knew best, like React or Angular. But, we ran into trouble. Mixing all these frameworks got complicated and messy, especially when we tried to make the app look and feel the same everywhere.

So, we switched gears and went for an NPM packages approach. This change made things simpler. We decided to use just one main tech (React) across all teams. This move helped us manage our code and dependencies better and made the whole app more consistent and faster.

Limitations of Micro Frontend Architecture

Micro frontends bring a lot to the table, but they’re not without their challenges. It’s a bit like having a team of star athletes — each brilliant in their own right, but they need to work together seamlessly to win the game. Knowing the hurdles in advance can make your journey with micro frontends much smoother.

  • Increased Complexity: Managing multiple, independent micro frontends can add complexity to the development process. This includes challenges in coordinating between different teams, aligning release schedules, and ensuring seamless integration.
  • Consistency Issues: Maintaining a consistent look and feel across various micro frontends, especially when different teams or technologies are involved, can be difficult. This inconsistency can impact the user experience.
  • Performance Overhead: Each micro frontend might have its own dependencies and resources, potentially leading to duplicate libraries and increased load times. Optimizing performance requires careful planning and efficient resource management.
  • Steep Learning Curve: For teams new to this approach, there can be a steep learning curve in understanding and implementing micro frontend architecture effectively. It requires a solid grasp of both the underlying technologies and the architectural principles.
  • Complex State Management: Handling shared state across different micro frontends can be challenging, especially in dynamic and interactive applications. It demands robust strategies for state synchronization and data flow.
  • Deployment Challenges: Continuous integration and deployment can become more complex as each micro frontend may have its own pipeline and deployment process. Coordinating these processes requires additional effort and oversight.

It’s all about balance. Understanding these limitations isn’t just about ticking off a checklist; it’s about aligning your project’s vision with the reality of what micro frontends can offer. Think of it like choosing a car. Sure, speed and style matter, but so does comfort and functionality. It’s about finding that perfect fit for your unique journey.

Conclusion: Embracing Micro Frontend Architecture

As we’ve explored the various aspects and frameworks of micro frontend architecture, we can see that this approach offers a dynamic and flexible way to build modern web applications. Adopting micro frontends isn’t just about choosing a new set of tools; it’s about adopting a mindset that emphasizes modularity, independence, and strategic collaboration.

Each framework we’ve discussed — Bit, Webpack 5 with Module Federation,

Single SPA, and Piral — caters to different needs and scenarios. The choice hinges on your project’s unique requirements, your team’s dynamics, and your long-term goals. It’s about finding the right balance between independence and cohesion, scalability and manageability, innovation and stability.

Micro frontend architectures stand out as a robust, scalable, and adaptable way to build applications that can evolve with changing needs and technologies. By selecting the right strategy and framework for your project, you can harness the benefits of micro frontends to build more efficient, maintainable, and user-friendly web applications.

As the web development landscape continues to grow and diversify, micro frontends offer a way to stay ahead, enabling developers to build not just applications, but also to shape experiences that are as diverse and dynamic as the web itself.

