Outreachy 2017 — 3

Prachi Agrawal
Outreachy Diaries
Published in
1 min readAug 3, 2017

Hello everyone, this is my third blog post related to my Outreachy work.

For the past two weeks my updates are as follows:

  • Changed the set-timbre block to be of “flow” type i.e., it can be used inside other blocks.
  • Created a dummy “Source” block to test the voice samples.
  • Completed testing of the new Synth code over voice and drum samples.
  • Tested “Effects” inside the set-timbre block.
  • Created a PR including the changes relevant to the new synth code.

A quick demo including the above changes made so far -

I faced a few difficulties while testing the Synth code specifically for the drum samples. When I was trying to play the drum by clicking on the set-drum block, I got the following error message every time “Tone.player: tried to start player before the buffer was loaded”.

After experimenting a bit with the set-drum block and digging up the source code of the Tonejs API, I found that it’s not possible to generate the Sampler on fly. Therefore I changed the code structure such that all the required samplers get generated at the time of initial loading of the Synth and stored it for future references.

Plan for the next couple of weeks:

  • Work on the “set-volume” method to make it specific to every instrument.
  • Integrate the UI components developed by the co-intern with the new Synth code.

