How I got into Open Humans as an Outreachy intern

Manaswini Das
Outreachy-Manaswini Das
5 min readMay 16, 2018
Image credits: Google

I have been into open source for a year now. My journey started with contributions to repositories as a part of Hacktoberfest 2017. I got a limited edition Hacktoberfest T-shirt too, as promised. The thought of contributing to something that will be utilized by the world intoxicated me and inspired me to dive deep into this. I started looking for other ways to find repositories that kindled my interest.

Going through several blog posts over the internet, I came across Outreachy, an open source internship program for people from marginalized groups. I had applied for Winter term 2017 (Round 15). But then, it was already nearing the deadline when I started contributing. So, I knew I stood a slim chance of getting accepted.

This time, I didn’t commit the same mistake. Once Round 16 was announced, I started exploring organizations and projects. I concentrated on ‘Adding data sources to Open Humans’ project under Open Humans Foundation and began my contributions right away! Two months hence, I found my name among the accepted interns. I am overwhelmed and looking forward to making the most of this internship period.

For those who haven’t come across this open source internship program, let me enlighten you.

What is Outreachy all about?

Image credits: iconsDB

Well, Outreachy is an open source internship program for individuals belonging to groups traditionally underrepresented in technology. Many well-known organizations such as Mozilla, Wikimedia, GNOME, Linux Kernel, Fedora take part in this program.

This program is similar to Google Summer of Code, except for the fact that it is not limited to students and it happens twice a year, May through August and December through March.

For those who want to probe deeper into this, find the details here.

Benefits from Outreachy


Unlike other internships, you don’t have to relocate. You will learn how organizations work remotely. And of course, you need to have a good internet connection for this to work!

Open Source

If you haven’t started contributing to open source yet, you can begin with Outreachy. Yes, this is your chance to plunge into this vast field.

Imagine building something that will be used by people from all around the world. Fascinating, isn’t it? You will get an opportunity to bond with a FOSS community as well. If a project kindles your interest, you can be a contributor beyond your internship period.

There’s always a beginning to everything. You needn’t be an expert to start. The learning process is itself so rewarding. Even if you don’t get accepted, you have contributions in your kitty!


Outreachy offers $5,500 as the stipend to accepted interns who devote 40 hours/week for three months. A travel stipend of $500 is also available for attending meet-ups or conferences relevant to the project within a year of the beginning of the internship period.

The travel stipend can serve as a chance to bond with other similar communities and dive deeper into their interests and projects.

Self-confidence and experience

Being someone from an underrepresented group makes you lose confidence. You are confused whether you stand somewhere.

This program will make you realize your worth and unleash your potential. Many of the accepted interns are newbies, thus inspiring other newbies to get into open source and sharing with them the invaluable experience that they gained during the internship period.

What are you waiting for? Sharpen your skills and start preparing for the upcoming round now.

Tips for future applicants

Start early

To make it into the internship program, you should begin as soon as possible. It takes time to comprehend the code base. It may seem intimidating at first but select your projects wisely.

In case you are not comfortable with a project even after contributing, you still have time and liberty to switch to projects matching your interest. Keep in mind that you can apply to a maximum of two projects.

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Ask questions

In case you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask questions to your mentors. Don’t be afraid of being judged.

Asking questions doesn’t reveal your ignorance. It is a sign that you are learning.

Don’t be shy. Shed your cocoon and feel free to ask even the silliest of questions. But remember, do your research too. Try to work out the problem on your own first. If you are still stuck, then reach out to the community. You never know, it might be a bug!

Don’t doubt your abilities

If you think you don’t fit in, then, trust me you are the right person to apply for this internship program. You won’t be able to explore this new you unless you do it.

Be consistent

Don’t aim at a huge last-minute contribution.

Make small but consistent contributions till the end of the application period. This creates a good impression.

Another golden tip: In case you are not into contributions for some time, be in touch with your mentors. Discuss your ideas about the project and know more about the organization. Communication can work wonders!

Imposter Syndrome

At times, you may feel that you could achieve everything only due to luck and that you lack potential.

You may also feel that you won’t be able to make it even after you get accepted. Well, my friend, you are suffering from the imposter syndrome.

This happens when you focus on the big picture of what you are trying to do in a project. To overcome this, follow the divide and conquer rule.

Have faith in yourself. Don’t let the imposter syndrome grip you.

In case you have doubts regarding this, feel free to reach out to me.

Last but not the least, I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to the Outreachy organizers for providing such a huge opportunity.




Manaswini Das
Outreachy-Manaswini Das

SE @RedHat, DjangoCon Europe 2019 speaker, Outreachy intern at Open Humans(Round 16), Processing Foundation fellow 2019, ❤️open source