Working with Github API

Manaswini Das
Outreachy-Manaswini Das
2 min readJul 8, 2018

I have been working with Github API all this while. I had come across some really cool visualizations with Github API but hadn’t had the chance to work on it. Thanks to the project ‘Adding data sources’ that I was motivated to add Github as a data source and guess what, I discovered that it will work in principle! The online development tool Github enables developers to contribute and discover open source projects, thus realizing their aspirations.

Image credits: Google images

Github provides REST API access to get variety of the data of your projects from Github, be it repositories, issues or pull requests and lots more! I chose Github API since the documentation is meticulous and easy to comprehend for anyone who is looking forward to getting started. Also this provides an excellent source for creating data explorations.

The outputs generated are available in various formats including JSON and other compatible formats depending upon the data to be extracted. One can view public data without authentication but in case one wants to store private data, then authentication is a must. Both single and two-factor authentications are supported. Two-factor authentications, as the name suggests, is more secure as this doesn’t include sharing your passwords as in basic authentication.

Looking forward to try your hand in building apps with Github API, just build an Oauth app and get started!

Happy Coding!



Manaswini Das
Outreachy-Manaswini Das

SE @RedHat, DjangoCon Europe 2019 speaker, Outreachy intern at Open Humans(Round 16), Processing Foundation fellow 2019, ❤️open source