First tech talk

Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2019

I recently travelled to Atlanta, to talk about my Outreachy experience and how one can get started with open source. It was nerve-wracking to talk in front of so many people. Before the talk, I was afraid of so many things — what if I forget midway what I am talking about, what if it doesn’t cater to what people will expect from my talk after reading the description and then there were the nerves. I just tried to keep my focus on one thing — that if it helps even one woman, my job is done.

So many women came to hear me talk and once I started talking to them, I got to know that every woman has her own apprehensions about open-source and those were almost the same as the one I had when I wanted to contribute to open-source. I wanted to encourage those women to not care about those doubts that they have, and just dive into the world of open-source which has so much to offer. I hope that my talk helped the women who were there.

