Frontend for multiuse invites — II

Published in
1 min readFeb 14, 2018

So, I have been working on the frontend part for multiuse invites. I had two tasks, one was to change the “Streams they should join” part to just show a list with [Edit] option and other was to make the design of the invite modal more vertically aligned.

I had already raised the pull request for the first task at the time of writing the previous blog but it had not been reviewed. After the review, there were some changes that had to be made. One of the change was to style the stream names as pills using the existing pills styling. So I updated the design, committed it and pushed it.

Style stream names as pills

Another change was to hide the invite status (displayed after successfully inviting someone or when there was an error in inviting someone) after a time interval of 3 seconds.

After having updated the pull request for the first task, I moved on to the second task and raised a separate pull request for it.

