Women in Tech

Published in
1 min readDec 27, 2017

It is so inspiring to read blogs written by Outreachy interns. I am so inspired by all these amazing women who have achieved so much and have a passion for tech.

As a women, I think we have to prove ourselves more than our male counterparts. Firstly, we have to show that we are not stupid, that we didn’t reach where we are by fluke and that we do possess knowledge and passion for tech. And secondly, there can never be any room for error because one mistake and everything falls, one mistake and people start doubting your capabilities. This is not something that our male counterparts have to face. Women in general, have to prove themselves over and over.

Recently there have been initiatives to encourage more young women to enter tech fields but we still have a long way to go.

P.S. To all the women out there, be proud of yourselves because to be where you are right now you had to overcome a lot of challenges.

