Och members, where are you?

Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2018

Outriders Meetup is a knowledge sharing and networking event for journalists. Our next meeting will take place in Warsaw on November 6th under theme “Och members, where are you?”

So, if you want to know:

  • How to build community around your organisation,
  • What are key trends in membership models,
  • How to do a crowdfunding campaign,
  • Have a question about your current, future or planned project,
  • Meet other reporters

..then you should join next Outriders Meetup! After Outriders Summit in Warsaw and Meetups in Taipei and Bucharest now we meet again in capital of Poland.

First we will have talks lasting 18 minutes each:

  • Emily Goligoski from Membership Puzzle Project
  • Sebastian Esser from Krautreporter
  • Dorota Groyecka from Non Fiction Magazine
  • Katharine Quarmby, Bureau of Investigative Journalism

After this we will go into Q&A session followed by networking.

If you would like to present your work and have an issue we could help you to solve contact us to get a 5 minute lightning talk. Remember there is no dumb questions only answers :)

Meeting is open to attend but you must register here so we can prepare the venue:



This Meetup is organised with the support of Facebook Journalism Project and National Endowment for Democracy. We also partnered with News Impact Academy and Bar Studio — thank you!

What’s next?

The Meetup is a part of a series of events taking place all around Europe and beyond over the course of 12 months. We are partnering with over a dozen local institutions supporting journalism and civic engagement to test modern storytelling tools, share experiences and produce collaborative, cross-border stories.

The ultimate aim of Outriders Network is to support good journalism. What does that mean? We want to create good, impactful stories. We want to collaboratively tell them in their most suited multimedia form, we want them to spread and help people understand the world. We believe that good journalism is when these stories come first.

More information:





Original reporting. Innovative storytelling. Global perspective. New initiative coming soon.