What is “Outside the Box, Inside the Book”?

And Why I Created It

Keith Daukas
Outside the Box, Inside The Book
3 min readSep 11, 2020


The title for this publication was carefully chosen to help readers with what to expect from these writings and to capture the two main elements that have been true throughout my adult life: I see things differently, and I love the Bible.

“Outside the Box” describes my experience as a Christian for 25 years. From the beginning of my faith, I remember having a different view of Christianity than those around me. By “different,” I don’t mean a heretical view of the faith’s essential tenets. Instead, I was different when it came to the non-essential/“gray matters” that the Bible never addresses. I never cared about what denomination I fit into or what traditions I found commonality with. The only “tribe” I identify with is the Bride of Christ. Unfortunately, this meant I was different.

One of my earliest memories as a Christian, feeling like I didn’t belong, came in my junior year of high school. I was in my school’s choir, and we had a performance on Friday night. When my classmates asked our teacher what we should wear for the concert, he replied, “Your Sunday’s best!” He dressed in a suit to attend his Sunday church service. On the other hand, I attended a non-denominational church where the Sr. Pastor wore Hawaiian shirts when he taught on Sundays. Needless to say, when I arrived at the concert Friday night in a short-sleeve white and blue Hawaiian flower shirt, jean shorts, and sandals, I felt pretty different than the rest of my fellow choir members (who all went to well-dressed church services, apparently). After the concert, my teacher cornered me and asked, “What are you wearing?” I replied, “You said Sunday’s best. This is what I wear to church on Sunday.” Then a disgusted look formed on his face as he said, “I would never worship my God wearing that; he wouldn’t be honored by me.” But I thought I had read in the Bible how “man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7), which is what caused Jesus to rebuke the religious Pharisees when he told them, “This person honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me” (Matthew 15:8), since “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24)? So, I guess I saw things differently.

“Inside the Book” speaks of my love, reverence, and allegiance to my God, who wrote a book. I believe “all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). I also believe that thousands have experienced harm and have suffered devastation in their lives due to Bible teachers not correctly handling the Bible. The Bible has been used against its intent like a scalpel in the hands of one who claims to be a surgeon but is unlicensed, not board-certified, and has hiccups. The Bible is meant to be good for people, contrary to its misuse. It is not the Bible’s fault for such harm. Still, teachers with relatively low esteem for the Bible plus an elevated view of one’s authority, accompanied by poor hermeneutics — has contributed to many fleeing the church and despising the Bible (understandably so). I desire to teach the Bible in a relevant way that brings joy, peace, hope, and healing.

Therefore, “Outside the Box, Inside the Book” is designed to offer a Biblical perspective on various topics, but not from any denominational point of view nor trying to adhere to any church traditions. I’ll teach what I see in the Bible, regardless if no one else is teaching it. I’m not looking to be trendy but faithful. God has shown me much from His Word (and there’s an infinite amount more to learn about God!) and has filled my heart with joy in Him through the Bible. I desire to share it the best way I can. Hopefully, I can also bring some hope, love, and joy to your life.





Keith Daukas
Outside the Box, Inside The Book

Offering unique perspectives from the Bible on a variety of topics.