8 Best Moments of OutSystems Engineering in 2018

Marina Calado
OutSystems Engineering
5 min readDec 31, 2018

Another year has gone by, another set of memories to cherish. 2018 was an intense year. We learned a lot, released OutSystems 11, and changed some of the ways we work.

It’s always hard to pick one moment out of a full year, and that’s why we’re sharing eight.

Rita Dias, Software Engineer

Talking at ODC and NextStep was a pretty wild and incredible experience. Not only because I attended as a speaker, but to be able to talk and exchange ideas with the people that use something that I’ve helped create… It gives me all sorts of fuzzy and warm feelings.

António Alegria, Head of Artificial Intelligence

When I arrived at OutSystems, the then-called Project Turing was only an idea. I felt that at OutSystems, everything was possible. People are open to trying new things and pushing the boundaries, and they believe in your vision and strategy. It gives me great joy to look back at 2018 and see how far we’ve come. In less than a year we built a top AI Research team and already shipped the first outcome. That’s where the fun really is: receiving feedback and being able to adjust goals and expectations. And it’s great to see the evolution of the AI team. They’re so motivated and highly committed to the project. In the meantime, we organized a Data Science meetup, launched the outsystems.ai brand and page, and were at the ML4P conference.

Anabela Cesário, Director, R&D Product Ownership and Agile Coaching

This has been a very powerful year for the Product Ownership area.
Late in the year, we sent a survey to all the teams, and I was very proud to confirm that we are seen as a reference in terms of growth, team spirit, and resiliency in overcoming obstacles. Agile Coaching evolved this year from a single coach to a small team due to its visible impact.
It’s incredible to see how fast we adapt to company and market needs, and that we’re now ready to work with all R&D teams to help them improve and be even more autonomous.

I feel very grateful for the nearly 3 years that I’ve been at OutSystems working with such great people. It’s been an incredible journey in a place where I feel I can be myself and make a difference.

Marina Machado, Product Designer

2018 was quite a ride! I saw lots of people changing roles and embracing new challenges! Lots of things happened that will impact the success of the company, and it feels good to be a part of that. At OutSystems, there is faith in people, and there is a big investment in them. Everyone is given tools and opportunities to grow and succeed. All of this is my highlight. The fact that we keep on showing that everything can be done and that we do it together.

João Neto, Head of Product Quality and Acceleration

We’ve had so many cool and impactful achievements this year that I’m really struggling to single one out. But a very special moment to me was watching Vasco Pessanha and Helio Dolores at ODC demoing a mindblowing torrent of high-value features to an excited audience of hundreds of developers. Knowing all the great engineering work that was done “under the covers” to accelerate our delivery and ensure high quality really made me proud of what we have accomplished together.

José Ramalho, Software Engineering Team Leader

When you work in Engineering, you know that the impact of your work takes some time to get back to you. But I didn’t expect to hear people telling me LifeTime is much better one year after we performed major revamps in the product. I received this feedback during ODC when colleagues and customers told me exactly that. It made me feel even prouder of my team and the work we are doing; it showed that we are on the right path. For sure, this is the happiest memory I will keep from this year.

Sandra Rodrigues, Quality Owner

2018 was a year full of best moments. I started the year by presenting the OutSystems quality area and the quality owner role, at the Geek Girls Portugal event. Another highlight was the teamwork I experienced surrounding the development of the new Merge feature. It allowed us to deliver high value with quality and to continue giving our customers what they need. Last but not least, being part of a company where everyone is up for a challenge is a highlight for me. If someone brings up a new challenge, everyone rises to the occasion. Delivering what our customers need is the status quo. It’s what keeps us pushing forward.

Paulo Ribeiro, Technical Communication Team Leader

2018 was a special year for me and the Tech Comm team as we celebrated a series of accomplishments. Our smooth collaboration with several R&D teams allowed us to communicate to our customers the value of the new features delivered in OutSystems 11. We also supported other areas of the company in accelerating projects and putting in place ways for them to keep in touch and share knowledge. And we cherished every “thank you” note coming from satisfied customers who used the documentation to help them become more efficient in our product.

I enjoyed this past year as I watched the team learn, grow, and become ever more solid and effective, tackling complex projects with confidence.

Feeling nostalgic? Read the best moments of 2017.

Do you have a 2018 moment you cannot wait to share? Leave a comment below!



Marina Calado
OutSystems Engineering

Marina is a UX manager at OutSystems, responsible for UX Writing and Design Enablement. She’s passionate about words, getting things done, and happy people.