Service Studio’s Christmas Gifts

Vasco Pessanha
OutSystems Engineering
3 min readDec 15, 2017

Christmas is coming! It’s my favorite time of the year, so I can’t think of a better time to share with you the gifts that Service Studio (our beloved development environment) keeps on giving. If you spend a much of your day working with Service Studio, you will love these. I know I do!

Our community is growing really fast. And, we are happy to see that everyone keeps actively contributing to our product by developing useful components and sharing knowledge and clever ideas with us.

Styles Editor — An example of inspiration drawn from our amazing community

Your direct feedback is helping us grow and introduce features that improve Service Studio.

Increasingly, our goal is to improve your overall experience as developers and to fix any annoyance that may slow you down — as fast as possible. As we work, we are always keeping you in mind and we are carefully considering your invaluable ideas and comments.

Our Most Productive Quarter

Did you know that this quarter alone we released a record six new Service Studio versions? Yes, we rolled up our sleeves and implemented several ideas posted in the community.

The New Features

What have the OutSystems elves delivered this quarter, then?

  • Styles Editor: Edit look-and-feel with the brand new Styles Editor. Low-code, from start to finish, even when styling your pages.
  • Align and Distribute Commands: Make peace with your OCD! Align and distribute flow elements with mathematical precision.
  • Dragging Gridlines: These will help you arrange and align flow elements.
  • Text Widget in a Toolbox: You can now drag-and-drop the text widget. It’s all about the small things.
  • Aggregates Preview Refresh: Refresh the data preview in aggregates with one simple click.
  • Service Studio Entry in Start Menu: Service Studio’s entry in the Windows Start menu is now prefixed with “OutSystems” so that it is easier to find.
  • Images Size Property: This feature helps you avoid huge images that compromise app performance.
  • Local Storage Helpers: This feature carefully helps you choose which entity attributes should go to your device’s local storage to boost mobile app performance.
  • New Performance Warnings: These warnings provide the guidance needed to build mobile apps that avoid incorrect development patterns.
  • TrueChange errors and warnings: The TrueChange™ tab now shows the number of errors and warnings, helping you make sure you’re following best practices.
  • Comments Set as Reminders: Keywords such as “TODO,” “TBD,” and “REMINDER” in comments will automatically turn into reminders. This way, you can check them out later.
  • Improved Icons: We introduced new icons in help menus and the debugger pane, made them available to paste; you name it.
  • More than 30 bug fixes.

New Year’s Gifts

  • Automatic Text Merge: Did you and another developer edit the same JavaScript? Say goodbye to conflicts. We will perform an automatic merge of non-conflicting text elements.
  • Extract to Action: Allows the reuse of complicated logic that you created in a different place. Just select the piece of logic and click! Your action is now reusable.
  • New Scrollbars: Now lighter and more consistent in Service Studio’s different screens.
  • Improved Feedback Submission Experience: Less intrusive, with default sending of crash reports.
  • Open Multiple Modules: Want to open several modules from your filesystem? You can now do this in just one step.
  • Merge Assigns: Assign nodes are easily merged to simplify your logic flows.

To keep up with everything we release throughout the year, please follow our Product Updates page.

At the same time, we are also working on OutSystems 11. It’s going to be an amazing new version. Until then, we will continue to deliver quick, impactful improvements to keep you happy and productive.

Extract to action — A New Year’s gift

I Want To Be a Part of This

We are all connected through Service Studio. We bridge our worlds through your feedback, ideas, reported bugs, when you share what you love, or when you share what you would like to see changed. We appreciate your comments, they really help us build a better product together.

We look forward to hearing from you in our community or when you submit feedback when you’re using Service Studio. You can also contact us directly. We’ll be here, paying attention and working on more gifts inspired by you!

Thank you and Merry Christmas :)

Vasco Pessanha | OutSystems Service Studio Enthusiast

