Introduction: Over Consumption of Limited Resources

The Reality of the Amount of Resources on Earth

There is not an unlimited supply of resources and eventually one day our earth will run out of the natural resources it produces. This will occur if people continue to want more than they need without giving the earth time to replenish itself of these resources, while individuals are consuming many of these resources.

Global climate change occurs when the average temperature of earth’s climate system increases, as a result of the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases and other human caused emissions released into the atmosphere.

Creating Sustainable Human Behavior

Solutions to help climate change from occurring can be using reusable resources such as fabric bags or glass containers while shopping, electric cars, or solar panels. Using renewable energy sources replaces the need to consume limited resources such as petroleum and colliery. Another change of human behavior that can be beneficial to reducing the amount of resources used is decreasing the individual amount of consumption, this would be possible by selling smaller quantities or creating more efficient products that use less resources to work.

What effects are happening to our planet today? Why should we care?

The carbon pollution of our atmosphere has nearly doubled in the last sixty years. (Job one for Humanity) This is why it is more important than ever before to be aware of the carbon footprint your actions are leaving on this planet. I am interested in studying this topic because the consumption of resources is very closely related to climate change worsening and air pollution increasing.

The climate of our planet is vital to us as human beings, and if there are efforts that can be taken to decrease the effects that natural resources have on our environment I think it is important for us to explore and learn about those options. We do not want global warming to reach the levels of irreversibility where extinction is possible and all life on earth will end. A slow increasing trend of mass extinction in species has started, but it is too early for scientists to be sure weather these extinctions are related to global climate change.

Greenhouse gases cause atmospheric heating which in result cause an increased unpredictability of weather and climate, causing more frequent storms to be occurring. I think everyone could find benefits from my findings, whether it is a way for an individual to become more aware of this concern occurring in our environment, or creating a change of lifestyle for individuals to becoming more mindful of their carbon footprint that they are leaving on earth. How much time do we have before things start to happen to cause a drastic change in our climate? Will we be able to reduce the damage of greenhouse gasses that has already occurred? What is the most important thing a single individual can do to help in the efforts to decrease the consumption of limited resources?

While you are learning more about the over consumption of limited resources and the effects these resources have to our environment; be sure to keep an open mind and think about what actions you may be taking to hinder our environment, and what you personally could do to decrease the amount of limited resources used on a daily basis.

‘What is Climate Change and Global Warming and How does it Affect Us,’ Job One for Humanity



Samantha Wheeler
Over consumption of Limited Resources in the Future

Hello, my name is Samantha Wheeler and I am in my third year at The University of Buffalo studying finance. I am from Clarence, NY.