End of Semester Reflection (Rebecca)

Rebecca Alpert
Over the Mystic
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2017

What did you learn technically?

I learned how to use Android Studio, work with intents, create layouts and write a bit of Android-flavored Java, install Crashlytics, and use third-party libraries for onboarding, images, and menu buttons. I expected that things like Crashlytics would be easier to set up, but I wound up spending a lot of time banging my head against the wall since their documentation is pretty bad.

Monsurat was a great mentor to both me and Anna. We learned a lot from her on how to use GitHub properly (branches! lot of branches! pull requests!) and how to do a better job on the app. She helped us when we ran into problems with Android Studio or with our code and was a tremendous resource overall. I feel so lucky that she was on our team. I won’t be surprised if she’s the talk of Silicon Valley in a few years.

What did you learn professionally? Please note: this is not the same as the above question.

I learned how to work on a team. This is sad, but I’ve never been on a team in school where other people actually contributed substantially to a project. I’m used to being the one doing the project that other people write their names on, basically.

I learned how great it is to have people to talk things out with or ask questions of. I’ve never had that before, really, in a group project. Working with Anna and Monsurat led to a much better project than I could have done on my own.

I also learned a lot talking to WalkMedford — they were very excited about the project and they actually hooked us up with the Office of Sustainability and some teachers in Medford. Local groups like WalkMedford are really valuable because they can give great feedback and help make connections with other people.

What do you wish I could have done differently?

I wish the class had more scaffolding. I came into this class expecting it to be more like Comp 20 or Comp 116, which have lab assignments that help you engage with the material. I wish this class had labs too.

I’ve never worked on a project like this before and making the jump to an MVP was very hard. I wish we had deadlines to get basic app components done so that it’s less of a mad rush.

If you were to do this all over again, what would you do differently?

In the beginning, our group was ahead of the game and very on top of deadlines. It was hard making the jump to an MVP — everything was very rushed. We worked on separate activities and had to fit them together at the end. To do it over, I’d make sure we had our basic app flow from the get go.

I also feel like Monsurat wound up taking on a ton of work (databases, MapBox, etc.) and I feel really bad about it. I hope that she got something out of it. I wish I could have taken some of it off her plate.

If you could make one change to this Mobile Development course, what would it be and why?

I feel like this class would benefit from connections with local Medford nonprofits and organizations — they have app needs.

I’m not very good at coming up with projects unless it’s something I need for an actual job. Talking with my roommate, who volunteers for the Medford Historical Society, was what led to the app we created. It was easier since we didn’t have to come up with something that hadn’t been done before, and it led to a more useful product. Not everyone (particularly undergraduates) has that kind of connection on their own.

I also wish that this class covered design and UX. I have some background in it, but it was very clear to me in this class that very few other students did. We have great ENP courses at Tufts that cover design and UX. I would love it if you brought in teachers from those classes for a one-off lecture, or if you brought in guest lecturers from industry. It could enhance the quality of the class’ apps at the end of the semester by a great deal.

