Here’s How YOU Can Decrease Your Carbon Footprint Today

Aliza Mendoza
Overconsuming in a Limited World
3 min readOct 15, 2020

As developing countries, we come up with new technology and products every day. Since we are always looking for the newest and best products, we participate in activities that build our carbon footprint which increases our global warming rate at a distressing level.

We each go about our day involving activities that are prevalent in our individual situations. Most people these days choose to be ignorant. They don’t want to think about the consequences that their decisions could make. You should always pause to question whether our actions are hurting the environment.


If you live in more rural areas, you might have to use your own car as opposed to public transportation. If that is your situation, there is still things you can invest in to lower your

As explained in Samantha Wheeler’s blog post, “What can individuals do to decrease their carbon footprint?”, our actions will reflect how fast our world is depleting due to energy consumption. For instance, Wheeler states “The ‘2025’s clean car standards’ are to average 54.5 miles per gallon” (2020).

This is important to acknowledge because when you are buying a car you should look at the mileage and its fuel efficacy to decrease your carbon footprint. By buying these types of cars, you can get more miles for your gallon. I thought this was an interesting point because you would also be saving yourself money on gas (and who doesn’t love saving money?).


Additionally, Wheeler continues to talk about how our water usage affects carbon pollution. She brings up how there “are appliances called ‘Water sense,’ and these fixtures are designed to decrease the energy and water consumed” (Wheeler 2020). Advancements in appliance technology have allowed us, consumers, to be more environmentally friendly. Using the bathroom wastes tons of water daily. By spending a little more to replace your regular appliances with appliances like WaterSense, each household can lower their water usage dramatically.

I chose to talk more in-depth about these two methods because I thought they were essential to many people’s daily lives and overall more interesting to learn about.


  • Walking/biking/carpooling rather than driving alone
  • Maintaining your car (i.e. regulating the air in your tires)
  • Having more plant-based meals
  • Reducing your food waste
  • Composting your food scraps
  • Use less water

(Wheeler 2020)

These are just recommendations but there are many other ways you can contribute to building a more sustainable environment.

Wheeler, S. (2020, October 13). What can individuals do to decrease their carbon footprint? Retrieved from



Aliza Mendoza
Overconsuming in a Limited World

Sophomore at the University at Buffalo. Business Administration, Marketing Major