Chuck Box view of Cape Lookout

Search and Recreation
2 min readMar 2, 2015


Field testing a home built camp kitchen

Migrating whales, a World War II plane crash, all that plus incredible views awaits you at Cape Lookout Oregon. The Oregon coast varies wildly: Sitka covered rock walls to deep sand dunes it’s all there and fairly accessible.

This trip I was keen to field test my newly assembled kitchen setup. It’s really nice to go camping when all you do is grab a box and go. You don’t have to think about what you need, make a list, rummage through your kitchen, etc. That’s where the “Chuck Box”, “Camp Box”, “Wannigan” whatever you want to call it comes in to play.

Kitchen with a view.

After alot of research I decided to buy the a flat-packed “Outdoorsman” kit from “My Camp Kitchen”. Kit meaning you provide the sanding, sealing, assembling and sometimes hacking. In general it was well put together however there were a couple dados that had to be cut further and a bottom skid piece needed a trim. All in all I’m very pleased with how it turned out and look forward to many years of making memories!

Reading and playing music on the beach. It’s fairly nice on the beach during the off season. I imagine Summer is buzzing non-stop with ATVs.

A night by the Sea.

Check out our other adventures in Sand Lake: Coastal Camping and Dune Camping.

