Vintage dirt bikes in Central Oregon

Search and Recreation
2 min readOct 7, 2015

Putting around sagebrush and kicking up dust

Henderson Flat has 18 miles of OHV trails and some pretty amazing campsites.
The drive out to Central Oregon brings with it a calm clean feeling.
Mt Hood was one of many peaks you could see from Henderson Flat.
I can’t tell you how much I love cooking outdoors now that I’ve got my “chuck box” dialed.
The ingenuity of my friends astounds me! Clutch cable broke and I thought my riding was over for the week. However with a little aircraft safety wire and some twists I rode for another 2 full days.
Ran the wire right into the handle.
Our second camp spot.
“When in doubt, gas it out” would have helped save this odometer.
Sunshine and sagebrush for miles.

