How To Participate as an Overthinker

Val Koi
Overthinking framework
7 min readMay 12, 2023
How to contribute?

The Overthinking Framework is a platform that seeks to help individuals manage the mental health challenges associated with excessive rumination and negative self-talk. One of the key aspects of this project is the collection and sharing of personal experiences related to overthinking. Contributing to the Overthinking Framework is important and it can benefit both individuals and the field of psychology.

Why should I contribute?

There are two main reasons why individuals should contribute to the Overthinking Framework.

Firstly, the importance of personal experiences cannot be overstated. People who struggle with overthinking often feel isolated and alone in their experiences. By sharing their stories, individuals can create a sense of community and support, both for themselves and for others who may be going through similar challenges. This is particularly important given the prevalence of overthinking in modern society.

Overthinking is a common problem among people and can have a negative impact on mental health outcomes.

Secondly, personal experiences are crucial for advancing psychological research. Research in psychology is based on human experience, and personal stories can provide valuable insights into the nature of mental health challenges such as overthinking. For example, personal stories can help researchers identify common themes and patterns in overthinking experiences, which can inform the development of interventions and treatments.

Personal stories can highlight unique features of overthinking experiences that may not have been previously recognized or studied.

The Overthinking Framework is designed to help individuals cope with the challenges of overthinking. By collecting and sharing personal experiences, the project can provide valuable insights into the nature of overthinking and inform the development of effective interventions and treatments.

The more experiences the project collects, the more robust and useful it will be in achieving its goals.

Contributing to the Overthinking Framework is important for several reasons. By sharing personal experiences, individuals can create a sense of community and support, while also advancing our understanding of overthinking. As such, we encourage individuals who have experience with overthinking to contribute to the project and help make a difference in the lives of others.

Submission rules

When preparing to submit an article, it is crucial to be aware of certain essential guidelines. It is essential to carefully read and comprehend each point because by submitting the article, you are committing to adhere to all of them.

To ensure that the article is of the highest quality, it is recommended that authors familiarize themselves with the submission requirements and guidelines provided by us.

It is important to ensure that the article is free of any instances of plagiarism. Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else’s work as your own and can result in severe consequences for the author, including rejection of the article or even legal action.

Medium’s Rules and Terms of Service

Medium’s Rules and Terms of Service apply to Overthinking Framework (OF) as it is a Medium publication. Make sure you read it before submitting your article.

Your edits and revisions

You have the option to make minor edits to a previously published article, provided that such edits adhere to the established guidelines and policies. These policies may relate to the types of changes that are acceptable, such as corrections to typographical errors, updating of references, or making minor revisions to the text.

However, it is important to note that major revisions to a published article are typically not allowed, as such changes may significantly alter the original content and may be viewed as a breach of publishing ethics. In such cases, it may be more appropriate to submit a new article, rather than attempting to modify a previously published one.

In addition to the option to edit published articles, you also have the right to remove your articles from a publication at any time. It is important for you to understand that removing an article from a publication does not relinquish our right to use the material contained within the article for scientific research purposes.

Content usage and citations

When submitting an article for publication, you should be aware that the article will be made available for reading on the internet, and will be accessible to any visitor to the resource. By submitting the article, you implicitly agree to these terms of publication.

Additionally, you should be aware that the content of your article may be cited by other scientific articles and studies. Citations are an essential aspect of the scientific process, as they allow researchers to build on the work of others, and to situate their research within the larger context of the field.

Originality and AI usage

When submitting an article for publication, it is important for you to ensure that the work is entirely your own original creation. In other words, you cannot take text from other writers and present it as your own. This practice, known as plagiarism, is a serious breach of academic ethics and can result in severe consequences.

Additionally, you may be tempted to use AI-generated text in your articles. While AI technology has made significant advances in recent years, using AI-generated text is not allowed when submitting an article to us. This is because the AI-generated text may not be considered an original creation of the author, as the technology itself is responsible for the content of the text.

To ensure that your work is entirely your own, you should take care to properly cite any sources used in your articles, and to use your own words to express your ideas and arguments. This will help to ensure that the work is viewed as a legitimate contribution to the field, and will protect you from accusations of plagiarism.

Editor rights

When submitting an article for publication, you should be aware that we may need to make certain edits to the content of your work. These edits are typically made to ensure that the article meets our standards for accuracy, clarity, and readability.

Some common types of edits that we might make include correcting basic spelling mistakes and updating minimal formatting. These types of edits are typically made to ensure that the article is clear and easy to read, and to avoid distracting the reader with errors or inconsistencies.

Additionally, we may need to remove images from an article if the source is not clearly stated. This is done to ensure that we are not infringing on any copyrights or other intellectual property rights, and to avoid potential legal issues.

It is important for you to understand that these types of edits are made with the goal of improving the quality of the article, and are not intended to change the substance or meaning of your work. In most cases, you will have the opportunity to review and approve any changes made to your article before it is published.

Deleting an article

We can remove any articles you post on Overthinking Framework for any reason.


If our editorial team finds one or more violations of our rules, we can remove you and all of your articles from our publication and report them to Medium.


At the core of our publication policy is the value of openness. We believe in making information available to everyone, regardless of their subscription status. That is why we only post public articles on our platform.

This commitment to openness ensures that our articles are accessible to a wider audience, and that our contributors’ work reaches the people who need it most. By making our articles public, we also encourage engagement and dialogue, as readers can share and discuss the content with others.


At our publication, we recognize the significance of personal experience and its connection to emotional experiences. As such, we strive to provide space for freedom of expression in our articles. However, we also value the importance of your experience with the problem and its contribution to the scientific field, making it equally important for other readers.

To ensure that your personal experience is presented in a meaningful and constructive way, we recommend that you adhere to the following rules:

Be clear and concise.

While personal experiences can be emotionally charged, it is important to be clear and concise in presenting your ideas and arguments. This will help readers to better understand your perspective and connect with your experience.

Avoid excessive use of emotional language.

While emotional language can be effective in conveying the intensity of an experience, excessive use of such language can detract from the clarity of your message. Use emotional language sparingly, and only where it is necessary to convey your experience.

Respect the experiences of others.

While sharing your personal experience is valuable, it is important to recognize that others may have different experiences or perspectives. Avoid making assumptions about the experiences of others, and always strive to approach discussions with an open mind.

Provide context.

Providing context for your personal experience can help readers to better understand the situation in which it occurred. This can help to provide a clearer picture of your experience and its significance.

How do you submit an article?

  1. To become a contributor, please send your article using our form:
  2. Once you have published your first article with us, we will add you to the Overthinking Framework publication as a contributor and you will be able to submit subsequent articles directly through Medium.

Thank you for your contribution!



Val Koi
Overthinking framework

I've got a time machine and a journalism degree, so now I can annoy people from any point in history with my questions and opinions.