This Is How You Can Burn Belly Fat Permanently

Mirza Hamza Baig
Overtime Hustlers
Published in
5 min readAug 21, 2020

Clearing up all the myths about burning belly fat and show you the most effective exercises and methods to get rid of the fat deposits for good.

One thing is certain: Simply sticking to a diet or doing sport is of no use in the fight against unsightly fat deposits. You need a proper strategy to get rid of belly fat permanently. This strategy is a combination of diet, exercise, and relaxation. For it to work, you just need a little motivation and perseverance. But the effort is worth it, and with my tips, you will definitely manage it!

Eat healthily, save calories, burn fat, train specific muscles … and lose weight: Here I’ll show you now how you can finally get rid of your belly fat!

Burn Belly Fat With Certain Foods?

“Eat these five foods and your belly fat will magically disappear” — have you ever seen this advertisement? It pops up again and again — just like the counterpart with the foods that you must not eat under any circumstances if you want to get rid of belly fat.

However, there is nothing to this advertising. There are no specific foods that are effective in stimulating fat burning. Sometimes spicy foods like chili or sour foods like lemons are said to have such an effect. However, this has not been scientifically proven.

Can I Get Rid Of Belly Fat With A Low Carb Diet?

It is true, however, that eating certain foods increases belly fat. A diet that is very high in carbohydrates can promote the small ring of fat on the stomach. However, it is important to make a distinction here, because not all carbohydrates are the same. Nobody has to do without bread or pasta because they finally want to burn their belly fat.

Simple carbohydrates are problematic for the lifebelt around the core. They are found in white flour products, sweets, chips, or fast food. Normal pasta, rice, or sweet drinks as well as alcohol also contain plenty of them. You should rarely eat these foods and, if possible, not in the evening.

Good and Bad Carbohydrates

Getting Rid of Belly Fat: With the whole grain variant in the form of wholemeal bread or wholemeal pasta, you are welcome to use it. These foods contain complex carbohydrates, which, unlike the simple ones, do not pass into the blood as quickly and do not make the blood sugar level rise as quickly.

Because this is exactly where the problem lies: a high blood sugar level leads to the production of insulin. And this hormone promotes the storage of belly fat. If you want to burn that, you have to adjust your diet accordingly and replace the high-sugar foods with others.

No Carbohydrates In The Evening

The “slim while you sleep” principle: Especially in the evening, you should eat protein-rich foods such as dairy products, meat, fish, or eggs so that fat burning can work undisturbed at night. The “slim while sleeping” diet, which many swear by its effects, works according to this principle.

You should avoid these foods in the evening:

  • Cakes & desserts
  • Chips & Co.
  • Sweets
  • Pasta
  • White bread
  • Alcohol
  • Lemonades

Get Rid Of Fat With Cardio Training

In addition to diet, you should exercise regularly if you want to get rid of your belly fat. Find three days a week on which you can take 45 minutes for an endurance sport of your choice.

This can be jogging, but also walking, swimming, or a training session in the gym. It is important that you run out of breath and sweat. That burns a lot of calories and you can burn your belly fat that way too. Exercise also helps to boost your metabolism — and that in turn helps you lose weight.

Burn even more belly fat with special training: Endurance training alone is not enough. You should also do strength training, because the more muscles you have, the more energy and fat they burn — even if you do nothing! Therefore, do a little strength training at least three days a week.

HIIT Is The Secret Weapon Against Belly Fat

In order to get rid of the annoying belly fat, it doesn’t necessarily have to be special exercises for the stomach. The large muscle groups like legs, buttocks, and back are particularly important. You don’t just want to burn belly fat, you want to have a toned, beautiful body in general. But you can also train your arms and stomach. By the way: The fact that women get big muscles from strength training (which of course we all didn’t want) is a myth which I already debunked here: Biggest Fitness Myths Debunked

So-called High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT for short, is particularly effective when it comes to burning belly fat. Typical for HIIT workouts: They are short, but they are tough. Compared to quieter endurance sports, high-intensity training should lead to success much faster. Three HIIT training sessions a week should melt your belly fat. And for that, you don’t even have to go to the gym, you can do that with a well-performed home workout. In addition, effective home workout routines can be found on youtube channels there are various videos and demonstration floating around on the internet to learn from!

Burn Fat By Reducing Stress

In addition to poor nutrition and too little exercise, belly fat has another enemy: too much stress. If you are constantly stressed, the body produces stress hormones (cortisol). They ensure that belly fat is stored. In order to burn that off or to prevent your body from storing more and more, you should ensure sufficient relaxation. Reduce stress through relaxation exercises, take sufficient breaks, and try to switch off in the evenings and on weekends and leave everything behind that stresses you.

Originally published at on August 21, 2020.



Mirza Hamza Baig
Overtime Hustlers

Athlete, personal trainer, health & fitness writer. Founder where I write about mindset, motivation, and self-improvement.