10 Best Ways to Promote Your App

Gal Alperovitch
Overwolf Blog
Published in
6 min readAug 31, 2021

TL;DR — Improve the way your app is perceived on social media and the AppStore, create a website, hand out free branded swag, use influencers even if they’re not too famous, post on Reddit (but brace yourself), grow your community on Discord, and let users choose between free or premium content.

Promoting your app in the right way is crucial. Sometimes you have only one shot at making your awesome creation reach all the right places, so you better make it count. Whether you’ve just started your journey to become an app creator or whether you’ve already made some headway, you should gear up with the right equipment for your quest to have a killer app and make the world know all about it.

Here are some best practices for spreading the word about your great creation:

  1. Use social media

Having a social media presence is a must for every app. Users will look you up, and you better be there, everywhere. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or even TikTok — make sure you’re there (oh, don’t worry, you can skip the dancing).

Focus on the platforms that are most relevant to your app and potential users. For example, if your app is PC-based, upload content on social media platforms on computers, such as Twitter. Or, if the main target audience of your app is adolescents — go for platforms that are frequently used by that age group, such as TikTok. Post several times a week across various platforms, and don’t hesitate to share the same content with different wordings. For example, your app’s launch announcement is valuable content that could be relevant to most social media platforms.

2. Ask for app reviews

Imagine buying a new game after your friends told you it’s bad. It doesn’t make sense, right?
The same goes for users. They’ll avoid using an app if they read negative reviews of it.
Written reviews allow users to share more detail about their experience with an app and for you to gain credibility. Encourage your close fan base to submit reviews and share their experience on using the app. They’re your ambassadors, and you want their voice to be heard.

3. Create a website/landing page

With a website full of content, you can make your users more aware of your app’s features. Add as much content as you can: links, screenshots, and even some videos. This will also help in boosting your app’s SEO on Google.
We know building a website can get expensive, so use free platforms like Wix or Elementor. There are features that you will have to pay for leveling up your site, e.g., a domain, so it’s up to you to decide if you’d like to use them or not.

4. Grow your community

Good marketing always puts people at the center, and that’s why communities are important. An ideal community delivers tangible and emotional value, with its members working together to solve collective challenges. They are key to building lasting bonds of loyalty and discovering new sources of growth.
Communities can come in many shapes and forms — from a Discord server to a Facebook group and to pretty much any other social media platform you feel comfortable with.
Building a community requires consistently giving it attention, creating content, asking for advice on improving the app, and generally making the members become part of the app’s journey.

5. Create a Discord server

Apart from internal communications, you can create a Discord server as a moderated social discussion platform. Use different channels depending on what your target audience might like to discuss, and let users bond together around your product.

Moreover, Discord can be used as a support service for your users (as we’ve recently covered in this blog post). You can use your server to have private conversations with community members, quickly address their concerns, and gather feedback in real-time.

6. Post on Reddit

We know Reddit is not the traditional social media platform typically used by businesses for promotion. And still, Redditors are quite likely to spend some time and money on tech-based items — turning Reddit into a very interesting option. The platform continues to be one of the most popular places for geeking out over technology with like-minded people. You only need to be smart enough to promote your app somewhere between threads without getting burned from the toxicity.

Upload a thread to a subreddit relevant to your app genre (Pro tip — Use an account with an active history).
Make sure you write conversational content. Always remaining honest, modest, and open to feedback. In the hours following the post, be actively engaged and consistent in responding to comments. Reply to as many as you can and try to bring in as much traction as possible.

7. Have a subscription service

Consider Subscription as another way to have a loyalty program.
Users choose to subscribe and pay a fee upfront, and in exchange, they are granted premium features and rewards. This sense of uniqueness will make them feel more attached to your brand, and some might even become your advocators and spread the word about it.
One of the ways to encourage that is to give your super users a unique Discord role in your app’s server and let them brag about how awesome they are.

8. Go for collabs

Using influencers is a surefire way to reach your audience through someone they find trustworthy, thanks to their authentic content. This will also help you get recognition in your field and build up your app’s identity.
An influencer can either use your app organically or promote your app as part of a paid sponsorship. In the beginning, try to reach out to those who are less or semi-known and ask them to try out your app. If they like it, just ask them to use it on their social media. Got nothing to lose, right?

9. Host a giveaway

One of the easiest ways to drive traffic & build engagement is by doing giveaways with competitions or raffles on your social media channels.
The giveaway idea is beneficial for apps that are new and have been recently launched.
We recommend handing out T-shirts, coffee mugs, pins, or any other branded swag. This way, you can gain brand awareness and promote your app through word-of-mouth publicity. There are quite a few ways to create unforgettable swag. One of my personal favorites is through Streamlabs; it may be expensive for some but easy to use.

10. Improve your ASO (App store optimization)

A good first impression can work wonders. Improving your ASO strategy is vital to how users perceive your app. Optimize your icon, title, description, and screenshots to be more attractive on the app store.
Some stores will allow you to use a limited amount of tags to improve SEO. Make sure you add one that is relevant to your audience. For example, if your app provides stats for League of Legends, add “stats” to your list of tags.

There’s more than one way to promote your app, and this list covers the fundamentals — giving you a good place to start. Try them out, mix and match, and see which ones provide the best results after a few months. You’ll quickly learn which practices are best for you and which ones should be put aside. Experimentation is key to success. And above all, make sure to be attentive, listen to your audience, and take their feedback to heart.

