Facebook Publishes Latest Community Standards Report

Mark Chiles
Overwrite Media
Published in
Aug 20, 2021

Facebook’s VP of Integrity, Guy Rosen, on Wednesday, published their latest Community Standards Enforcement Report for the second quarter of 2021. The report covers the latest in their policy enforcement on hate speech and changes in ranking in the News Feed.

The report shows some interesting details related to the misinformation of COVID-19 being spread on the platform, as well as some advancements in Facebook’s detection systems. Facebook is stating “we are committed to helping people get authoritative information, including vaccine information.

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Originally published at https://www.overwritemedia.com on August 20, 2021.



Mark Chiles
Overwrite Media

Founder of @GalliassIG, @ChilesKitchen, @TechGuyFishing, Chief Digital Officer for @HartEnergy