OVI E-sports Digest Week 22 & 23

OVI E-Sports
OVI Digest
Published in
7 min readDec 19, 2023

It’s been a couple of weeks since our last update — but the silence must not be mistaken for lack of action! In fact a couple of major mile stone were reached both internally and externally.

Read on to get the full details but for those that are pressed for time here’s the TLDR;

· Over the last 2 weeks, internal focus on development rather than outward updates to prepare for the holidays

· The OVIsaurs digital collectibles estimated to release late January/early February; they are over 90% complete

· The esports tournament platform that is being built is nearing completion, and we will soon to be integrating key features like digital wallets and smart contracts

· We officially launched our gaming news site GMgames.gg last week after months of preparation

· Our goal with the site is to strengthen communication and collaboration in the gaming industry

· We continue to grow our Discord community by hosting gaming activities and events

· Recent industry NFT exploits demonstrate to us the need for better security practices, which will be a focus

· We plan to keep working hard through the holidays to maintain momentum heading into 2024

Let’s get into the detail!

Over the last 2 weeks, we decided to forgo our typical cadence of activities. We felt it best to take that time to focus on building instead. With the holidays approaching, we wanted to knuckle down, tie up loose ends with development, and make sure the OVIsaurs are in a good place before people take some time off around Christmas.

The past couple of week have been filled with team meetings to align on schedules and ensure we finish the year strong. With everything squared away so the team can fully unplug for a few days. There were a lot of things ironed out on the dev side — foundational elements that may not be outwardly visible but will enable future scalabilty.

By taking a couple of weeks to concentrate internally rather than doing our regular outward-facing updates, we aimed to set ourselves up for success as we close out 2023. The team is heads-down delivering, with the goal of having all major items buttoned up prior to a brief holiday break.

OVIsaurs Digital Collectibles Update

On Friday, on x.com we released another OVIsaurs image showing an OVISaur claw clutching a Jurassic Park-style fossil. We’re sure you’d agree the intricate detail is remarkable. As we inch closer to the OVIsaurs release, expect more dinosaur movie tweets and quotes over the holidays into January, ramping up excitement.

We’re aiming to potentially unveil the complete OVISaurs collection around late January/early February. Right now, we’re finalizing the unique skin tones and colors for each individual OVISaur. We estimate the current completion percentage to be around 90% — with some accessory detailing yet to be completed.

In the meantime, more images will be released on x.com. The generative code for randomization of the OVIsaurs traits has been resolved, and we’ll generate the final collection when ready.

The timeline has expanded slightly, but it’s enabled us to shift our goals internally. We’ve prioritized unmatched quality and detail that will benefit the project long-term, particularly as these additional completed deliverables assist in creating full 3D avatar versions. The progress from our design team has been incredible thus far.

Though releasing later than originally projected, we’ve made tremendous headway in crafting meticulously detailed, metaverse-ready 3D avatars. This foundation will allow rapid expansion into future collection phases. We’re proud of achieving this level of quality and detail and can not wait to share it with you all.

RAWR E-sports Tournament Platform

The platform is coming together nicely. Our core interface and frameworks are in place. Key features like leagues, ladders, and galleries are nearing completion.

We have built everything completely from scratch — to give you an idea, we have around 40 individual components just for buttons and logos. Everything is coded for flexibility across platforms long-term. We couldn’t be more thrilled with the progress.

We are now at the stage of integrating digital wallets, galleries, and other critical features that will set the platform apart, getting it ready for full release. Later this week, we plan to open up repositories to begin smart contract and Circle wallet integration. This will enable key functionality on the platform. Tying these elements together over the coming weeks will be the final push.

It’s been an enormous accomplishment to reach this point, constructing a robust platform from the ground up intended for ambitious future growth into new platforms and offerings. We are proud of what we have achieved — a highly capable, bespoke platform positioned to deliver a uniquely excellent user experience.

Launch of GMGames.gg

Last week marked a major milestone with the official launch of the GM games website — a new global publication focused on delivering news, analysis, and insights about the gaming industry. Developing a site from scratch is no small feat — it requires coordinating web developers, designers, writers, and strategists to bring a vision to life.


Over the past months, we built the foundation, layout, technical infrastructure, and content strategy for GMgames.gg This included registering domains, purchasing web hosting services, coding the front-end user interface, designing graphics and branding elements, and developing processes for research and content production.

The launch last week was the culmination of tremendous coordinated effort across our team. But this is only the beginning. Now the site is live, we will continue expanding our content coverage, forging media partnerships, building our audience and launching accompanying social media channels.

Strengthening the Gaming Community

The goal of GM games is not just to report news. Our mission is to strengthen bonds within the global gaming ecosystem — connecting game developers, esports teams and leagues, gamers, industry partners and investors. We want to facilitate more communication and collaboration to advance innovations in gaming.

As a news source tailored for this industry, the GM games platform gives our community a dedicated place to highlight developments, analyze trends, showcase emerging talent and technology, and discuss ideas. We aim to drive more funding and progress by broadly promoting the work of diverse gaming leaders worldwide.


Over time, we hope GMgames.gg becomes a go-to information hub at the heart of gaming — referenced by professionals and enthusiasts alike. The site launch lays the essential framework for serving the interests of the incredible community that inspires our team daily. We can’t wait to see how the platform evolves!

Building a Thriving Discord Community

Over the last couple of week we have hosted several gaming nights and activities within our Discord server that saw fantastic participation and energy. Discord provides the ideal platform to foster direct conversations and connections between community members.

Seeing our own members like Whitehawk, Tarpey, Agito, and Aditya streaming Fortnite games together shows that our community is beginning to take shape. Over time, these personal bonds and solidarity strengthen the foundation of our broader ecosystem.

Growing and nurturing our Discord community remains a key priority moving forward. This requires dedicated effort to create a welcoming, inclusive environment that offers members compelling reasons to stay engaged over the long term.

We will focus on facilitating more multiplayer gaming sessions, exclusive tournaments, fireside chats with industry guests, spotlights of rising talent, channels for networking and collaborating on projects and incentives for active contributors.

The goal is to make our Discord server a vibrant hub where members can gather not just for games but also productive discourse that spurs new partnerships, product innovations, creative initiatives and more. By bringing together gaming enthusiasts ranging from indie developers and aspiring professionals to executive investors and mentors, the possibilities are endless.

With continued cultivation of our Discord community, we can transform casual conversations into catalysts for the next generation of ideas that shape the future of gaming globally. Our members inspire each other, collaborate, and celebrate collective accomplishments. The relationships built within this digital home ultimately determine the strength of our greater mission.

Security Focus Needed

There were several high-profile NFT exploits and hacks targeting Web3 projects like Bored Ape Yacht Club and Pudgy Penguins through the NFT Trader approved contracts over the weekend. While assets were restored, these hacks underscore the need for robust security practices — like revoking contract approvals and using revoke.cash to secure wallets. As a community, we must double down on security awareness and preparedness to prevent such breaches. In the future we will ook to invite security specialist to educate our community on best practices and principles

Looking Ahead

With the Christmas break approaching at the end of this week, we’ll continue working hard to accomplish as much as possible. An OVI Esports Twitter Space will be held midweek to connect with the community. Our progress engaging partners through networking continues. Overall, the momentum we are building is extremely promising as we head into 2024.


Website: https://ovi.gg

GMGames: Https:gmgames.gg

Discord: https://discord.gg/ovi

OVI Twitter: https://twitter.com/OVIesports

OVISAURS Twitter: https://twitter.com/ovisaurs

GMGAMES.gg Twitter: https://twitter.com/gmgames_gg



OVI E-Sports
OVI Digest

E-Sports Evolved | Competitive Gaming Leagues, Streaming and Hosting platform. Built for gamers, by gamers.