OVI E-sports — Week 16 Digest

OVI E-Sports
OVI Digest
Published in
5 min readOct 30, 2023

Articles gone live, invited as panelists, regular Twitter spaces, progress on OVIsaurs and the platform are just some of the activities that took place last week. This week is equally busy as OVI Esports as about to make its presence know at Ape Fest Hong Kong.

Last week:

  • Hosted regular community events including OVI Esports — RAWR competition and Twitter Spaces discussing web3 gaming
  • Saw fantastic growth in Discord, Twitter, and engagement, led by our community lead Jana
  • NuNu Spirits tournament finale announced top 3 winners who will receive prizes
  • Development team made major progress on critical OVI hub backend component
  • Published first articles by Joey Sendz on IQ.Wiki and SuccessXL, introducing OVI Esports to wider audiences
  • Released weekly GMGames.gg newsletter covering gaming news, trends, new games, guides, and hardware
  • Brainstormed new content, features, and partnerships to take GMGames to the next level
  • Released new video teaser showing progress on OVI digital collectibles and OVIsaurs traits

This week:

  • Phil attending Ape Fest in Hong Kong, speaking at multiple events alongside Chinese BAYC community
  • Phil speaking at Cosplay Party on Nov 2 and Web3 Event on Nov 3 while in Hong Kong
  • Regular Twitter Spaces and community spaces will continue while Phil travels
  • GMGames content releasing next week, new SEO articles from Joey planned
  • Preparing for early community testing of OVI platform and tournaments ahead of OVIsaur drop
  • Ramping up whitelist events, tournaments, collabs in next month or two as major milestones approach
  • Exciting growth and traction expected soon as platform, whitelist, tournaments etc come together.

Now with the TLDR out of the way, the detail and breakdown is below:

Last week

Last week was packed with activities and developments for the OVI community.

Kicking things off on Monday, we published our regular OVI digest to recap recent announcements. Later that evening, OVI had the honor of being invited to a Twitter Space as a panelist to discuss web3 gaming and the metaverse. This special event drew record numbers for our community!

Our hype continued through the week. On Monday we hosted our recurring OVI Esports — RAWR community space. The Twitter Space on Wednesday focused on the intersection of games and web3, also attracting huge crowds.

Under the leadership of Jana, our community lead, we’ve seen fantastic growth across Discord, Twitter, and engagement. The community really came together for the finale of the NuNu Spirits tournament on Wednesday when the top 3 participants were announced ready for them to take home their prizes.

Behind the scenes, our development team has made major headway on the OVI hub. This critical backend component connects all of our platform’s microservices. With the hub nearing completion, the rest of the ecosystem can now be integrated.

On the content side, Joey Sendz’s first couple of articles dropped last week.

First up was the article on IQ.Wiki, the largest blockchain & crypto encyclopedia. OVI Esports was introduced to the masses.


Next was the release of OVI Esports on SucessXL the site that promotes wisdom from successful minds. As we position ourselves as an MLG competitor and are set to soft launch in December 2023 the weeks to come are truly exciting.


Last Wednesday we released another edition of the GMGames.gg weekly newsletter. This newsletter covers a variety of gaming-related topics including esports teams, news and trends in the gaming industry, new and upcoming games, gaming guides and hardware. The newsletter helps keep our readership informed about what’s happening in the world of gaming.

After the newsletter went out, the team had some internal discussions about how we can continue growing and improving GMGames. We brainstormed ideas for new content, features and partnerships that could help take GMGames to the next level. The team is excited about some of the developments we have in the works — so stay tuned for some big announcements coming soon!

Friday brought another development teaser showing off the hard work and creativity fueling our digital collectibles. Words do not do it justice — did you catch the video?


As we work on the skin of the OVIsaurs, color codes, and traits, the collection is nearing completion.

Last week was a busy week for sure!

This week;

Exciting times ahead for the OVI fam! We have a huge week coming up with some major events on the horizon.

First up, Ape Fest in Hong Kong kicks off this week and on October 31st our founder Phil will be flying out to attend and represent OVI Esports. While in Hong Kong, Phil has a packed schedule as a keynote speaker at multiple events in conjunction with the Official Chinese BAYC.

On November 2nd, he’ll be speaking at the Cosplay Party welcoming BAYC holders from 18+ countries. Then on November 3rd, Phil will deliver a keynote at the Web3 Event Secret Yacht Party, also alongside the Chinese BAYC community. His time in Hong Kong is jam-packed with meetings to promote and raise awareness about OVI Esports.


Even with his busy travel schedule, we’ll keep rolling ahead as usual here at home. Our regular Monday Twitter Spaces and Wednesday community spaces will still take place, with potential guest appearances TBA.

GMGames content will continue releasing next week as we build momentum towards the next growth phase. We’ll also have new articles from Joey focused on improving our SEO and organic reach. As launch approaches, we plan to reengage with Polygon regarding marketing collaboration.

With the OVI platform and OVIsaurs coming online soon, the time is perfect to start preparing for early community testing. We’re fast approaching the ability to host tournaments on our own platform. Coinciding with whitelist events, this will be a powerful way to onboard new community members and generate demand before the OVIsaur drop. Work regarding this will continue in the background.

With so much going on, and the push toward community growth, in the next month or two, we’ll likely see huge traction as everything comes together — whitelist, tournaments, and more community engagement and collaborations. Exciting times are ahead.

Thank you for your support so far and for being on this journey!


Website: https://ovi.gg

Discord: https://discord.gg/ovi

OVI Twitter: https://twitter.com/OVIesports

OVISAURS Twitter: https://twitter.com/ovisaurs

GMGAMES.gg Twitter: https://twitter.com/gmgames_gg



OVI E-Sports
OVI Digest

E-Sports Evolved | Competitive Gaming Leagues, Streaming and Hosting platform. Built for gamers, by gamers.