OVI Esports — Week 13 Digest

OVI E-Sports
OVI Digest
Published in
5 min readOct 9, 2023

A full 13 weeks are behind us and what a journey it has been! With progress being made on every front this week’s digest breaks down everything that you need to know!

Before we jump into the detail, here is the TLDR;

Last week:

· OVI team had productive week with community updates (digest) and roundtable (via Twitter)

· Published 2nd edition of GM Games newsletter.

· Hosted twitter space on OVI ecosystem and roadmap

· Released behind-the-scenes video of OVIsaurs digital collection designs.

· Graphics team making great progress on OVIsaurs traits and artistry.

· Some team members took short breaks, while others worked on the front-end.

· New community lead actively planning community outreach strategy.

· Exciting collaborations in works with Blockchain Game Alliance

· Good momentum despite some slowdown, team recharging for big push ahead.

This week

· Community updates:

o Weekly digest (Monday),

o Roundtable (Monday),

o Twitter spaces (Wednesday),

· GM Games esports industry newsletter (Wednesday)

· Publishing of Industry thread, eSports, tournaments, in-game consumables (Wednesday)

· Gaming night on Discord planned (Thursday)

· More OVIsaurs behind-the-scenes video (Friday)

· Platform development ramping up based on front-end work.

· Scoping programmable wallets, NFT galleries

· Founder trip to forge partnerships, expand ecosystem.

· Exciting collaboration with TikTok’s Joey Sendz for SEO and exposure

Now the summary is over let’s dive into the detail:

Last Week

The OVI team had a very productive week last week. We started off strong on Monday, releasing the OVI weekly digest and hosting a community roundtable. The roundtable gives us the opportunity to provide the latest updates and have an open discussion with our community members.

Mid-week continued that momentum as published the 2nd edition of the GM Games newsletter on Wednesday, which aggregates the top Esports global news on a weekly basis.


On Wednesday, we held another twitter space OVI RAWR focusing on the OVI ecosystem, our journey to date and giving a view to the audience for the deliverables on the horizon.

On Friday, we released another behind-the-scenes video clip showcasing the OVIsaurs digital collectibles. The clip and all previous clips have been masterfully crafted by Shadow. The video highlights the incredible attention to detail and artistry of our graphics team members Jen and Shadow in designing this unique ecosystem digital collection. Their efforts in finalizing the color palettes, traits, and overall high quality of the OVIsaurs has been astonishing to see come together. It’s evident that the OVIsaurs and the ecosystem are taking shape. With so much happening simultaneously, it’s a testament to our team’s dedication and passion.

With our dev lead taking a well-deserved break, development, last week was slower than usual. The collective pause was needed, some team members including Jen, Luey, and Adrian, also took some time off. Everyone needs a bit of rest and recuperation, especially before a significant push.

Having said that, the team will be returning this week on different days ready to spearhead the finalizing of the platform components.

Before taking leave, our design team spent last week finalizing many of the front-end components that will allow our development team to efficiently integrate them into the overall platform and wireframes.

Our new community lead Jana hit the ground running last week. She’s been meticulously scoping out the community roadmap and strategy. Actively evaluating plans to significantly expand our community outreach across Web3 and Web2 platforms.

And speaking of alignments, OVI’s collaboration with the Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA) is something we’re all eagerly looking forward to. While we’re holding back some details for now, rest assured, there are exciting times ahead with BGA.

This Week

Looking ahead to this week, we have several community activities planned:

· The OVI weekly digest and community roundtable will take place on Monday as usual. Giving us all to recap news and have an open discussion with community members.

· Our presence on Twitter will be felt stronger than ever, especially with the industry thread on eSports, tournaments, and in-game consumables that we have planned.

· The regular Twitter space on Wednesday promises to be an engaging platform for open community interactions.

· We will also publish the 3rd edition of the GM Games esports newsletter rounding up all the biggest news that you need to stay on top of.

· On Thursday evening, we will hold a gaming night on the OVI Discord for community members to play games together.

· On Friday, we will release another edition of our OVIsaurs behind-the-scenes video series.

On the development front, our Dev lead will be diving deep into platform development. With the underlying tech stack and infrastructure already in place, we’re optimistic about the rapid progress in the coming weeks.

Immediate activities will focus on finalizing platform components based on the front-end work done by our design team. We will also begin scoping out how to integrate key platform features like programmable wallets, digital collection gallery and more.

Our founder, Phil, has an exciting trip planned to Satoshi Island in the third week of October. The aim? To forge strategic partnerships and expand the OVI ecosystem’s horizons. We are excited about this opportunity but are cautious about announcing anything prematurely.

Speaking of expansions, we’re thrilled to announce our collaboration with Joey Sendz, the TikTok sensation. Our 3 month engagement with Joey will be focusing on enhancing OVI’s SEO and Google presence, ensuring our community and ecosystem gets the exposure it deserves.

As you can see, we have an action-packed week planned to build on the momentum from last week. Thank you for being part of our growing OVI community!

We appreciate all your support.


Website: https://ovi.gg

Discord: https://discord.gg/ovi

OVI Twitter: https://twitter.com/OVIesports

OVISAURS Twitter: https://twitter.com/ovisaurs

GMGAMES.gg Twitter: https://twitter.com/gmgames_gg



OVI E-Sports
OVI Digest

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