OVI Esports- Weeks 19 Digest

OVI E-Sports
OVI Digest
Published in
6 min readNov 21, 2023

OVI Esports continues making progress across multiple fronts. The newest OVISaurs story art reveal generated excitement among the community, highlighting the platform’s artistic talent. Behind the scenes, the team keeps developing the technical infrastructure to support OVI’s goals. Engagement also keeps increasing through spaces, tournaments, and hard work. Read on in our new-look weekly digest. But first, the TLDR;

· OVI Digest APE FEST Special Edition sees increased engagement

· Twitter Space draws one of our largest turnouts yet

· Discord membership over 300, with active core group forming

· More gaming streaming happening in Discord

· New OVISaurs artwork release builds momentum

· Platform build progressing, 200k+ lines of code

· Targeting community beta launch by mid-Dec

· Soulme synergies already taking effect, 170 at recent Space

· GMGames newsletter on schedule, new site launching soon

· All elements starting to combine into cohesive experience

· Achieving milestones, executing vision, getting close

· Key next steps: focused execution, communication, momentum

As we are ramping up our community efforts we have taken a new approach to bring you the detail that you need,


OVI Ecosystem Gaining Traction

The release of the OVI Digest APE FEST Special Edition was a huge success. This covered weeks 17 and 18 all in one digest and the reception has been fantastic. Since it was published, we’ve seen a considerable increase in views on the site and more traction around our Twitter account with new followers organically coming in for OVI Esports and OVISaurs. This increased exposure is likely due in part to our continued networking efforts and new partnerships formed through Soulme — more on that a little later.

Twitter Space

Our Twitter Space on Wednesday saw a good turnout of around 30 participants -this is one of our biggest Spaces yet. What makes it special is that less than 12 hours notice was given before this space was confirmed.

While it would be ideal to promote these further in advance, the organic turnout was still great to see. The feedback was extremely positive as well.


The Discord membership is just over 300, with a core group forming and becoming more active as we approach the end of November.

Jana has stepped up community engagement by integrating the Zealy gaming discord features and daily quests. This is another excellent opportunity to engage with the community through the use of Zealy.

The community is taking shape and gaining momentum as we lead into December. In terms of internal targets, this is exactly where we’d hoped we would be.

Gaming in OVI Esports Discord In Phil’s words: “The most rewarding aspect last week was getting more involved with the community and activating the gaming stream within Discord” We’ve been streaming sporadically during the week, with both our founder Phil and our moderator Whitehawk has also been streaming, It was great to see the guys work as a team as they fought in Fortnite. The team is focused on upcoming tournaments and engagement within the community. Expect to see more of that going forward!

Another OVISaurs artwork released

The latest OVISaurs artwork by JezzaJen, released on Friday via X was absolutely stunning. A futuristic, cyberpunk setting with an alien spaceship landing and a digital horizon. This was the 10th piece teased on Twitter over recent weeks, and the quality has been incredible throughout, really bringing the OVISaur’s journey to life. We truly think each image could stand alone as a noteworthy piece of art.

This latest futuristic scene is building up to the impending OVISaurs release. There are hints in the graphics and description about what’s to come. It’s clear Jezza put a lot of thought and effort into the graphical storytelling through these images. What will be released next Friday to continue the momentum?

Platform build

Our lead Dev, has been doing an amazing job building out the platform behind the scenes. Based on his last update, over 200,000 lines of code are in place, laying a strong foundation. He is continuing to add more functionality and remains on track for a beta community launch by mid-December, though we know that’s an aggressive timeline.

On the timeline front — if the launch slips into January, that’s not the end of the world. As OGs in the web3 space know, activity tends to slow down over the holidays as people prioritize family time.

Our ideal situation is to open up and host some mini-tournaments on our own platform over the break, it will help drive traction, momentum, and growth in the web3 community.

The timing lines up well with the OVISaurs release too, so everything is coming together. Building these initiatives side by side will allow us to reinforce and complement each other as we scale up. The key focus now is getting the platform operational for that initial community beta launch. While mid-December is ambitious, the tremendous progress so far shows we can make it happen.

Soulme and OVI

Soulme is going to play an important role in the future — in tandem with the OVI ecosystem. To be frank, the synergies are already taking effect. The first Soulme Twitter Space had 140 people tune in. The second Space, focused on the Asian market, had 170 attendees. These were mainly big names from existing relationships and networks that met and connected during APE Fest Hong Kong.

Soulme is still in its infancy but it’s great to get recognition from community members and industry peers. They eagerly attended the Soulme Twitter Spaces after seeing the Soulme platform during APE Fest evidencing that the team behind it can execute and launch a product. When people know you and see you can deliver, they want to support your vision.

Being able to execute and launch products shows we within OVI are in a strong position holistically. We are truly excited for Soulme and OVI Esports to continue developing side by side through the end of the year and into next.

GMGames Ready to Blast Off The weekly edition of our GMGames newsletter was sent bang on schedule on Wednesday as it has done for the for last 7 weeks. The newsletter was designed to fill a gap in the market and bring hung value to those who love Esports, gaming, industry trends, news and reviews;

In the coming weeks, GMGames will evolve into something much bigger — a new publication website launching imminently. This website will be another part of the OVI ecosystem. We’re proud of the foundations we’re setting up. Implementing a holistic approach to provide value in this space and become an authoritative voice. The new website is in development and very close to launching!

Watch this space!

Closing out

It’s been an incredible week watching everything come together. The platform is making progress, the art is looking great, and the community continues to grow. GMGames is building momentum, engaging Twitter Spaces, and new collaborations are happening.

In the weeks ahead, we’ll start to see real traction and growth as all these elements combine into a cohesive community experience. When the platform, content, and community sync up, that’s when the magic happens.

There’s an energy and excitement that comes when milestones are met and the vision is executed. Even though there’s still work to do, we all feel we’re getting close to that point.

The key next steps are focused execution, continued open communication, and relentless momentum. If we keep up this pace, stay true to the vision, and continue rallying the community, we know we can build something great.

Exciting times ahead!


Website: https://ovi.gg

Discord: https://discord.gg/ovi

OVI Twitter: https://twitter.com/OVIesports

OVISAURS Twitter: https://twitter.com/ovisaurs

GMGAMES.gg Twitter: https://twitter.com/gmgames_gg



OVI E-Sports
OVI Digest

E-Sports Evolved | Competitive Gaming Leagues, Streaming and Hosting platform. Built for gamers, by gamers.