Our New “Awkward” Reality?

No More Video Calls Anxiety!

5 min readFeb 23, 2021


Illustration by 目付き

Video calling is the new unique way for awkward communication

If you meet me now, it might be very hard for you to believe that I used to be painfully shy. I was socially awkward to the point that I would set myself on mute for a week or 2 to not talk to anyone.
But do you know the most thing I hated during that time? (Well, I still do until now, but I’m working on it)


I really hated the notion of calling someone or vice versa. I never asked my parents to buy me a phone. However, my mom got me one for my 19th birthday so she can call me since I’ve just moved to college at that time. I always jumped when it ringed, the way people jump when they see a ghost, and I tried my best to avoid as many calls as I can and wrote many possible scripts of important call scenarios that I had no choice but to take or make.

With time, I learned that it’s something normal and I should just deal with it. I even applied for an internship in a call center and I started calling my friends first. It was really tough but I tried to push myself to do it so I can get used to it little by little.

And then, I had my first Zoom conference meeting. Everyone’s cameras were on including mine. I was tongue-tied, my hands were shaking and I started sweating like crazy. I was so scared that someone would ask me a question so I made sure to keep my mic blocked. Then the worst thing happened and it was that the meeting host split us into breakout rooms and everyone was talking except for me. Every time I looked at the grid of other people, I could see my red face popping up looking panicky as hell. I acted frozen for a while then I couldn’t take it anymore so I left the meeting.

Now, if you ask me what are the things I’d rather do than go on a video call? I’d say being eaten by a dinosaur that shows no mercy.

I finally said goodbye to calling for virtual meetings

It was at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic when I finally started using an online communication tool that took away my hot flushes. I and my team used it every single day and we loved it!

What’s oVice? [o-v-i-s]

It’s a virtual space similar to The Sims but 2-D. You can invite people by sharing the space URL with them and you can all meet there, move around, and work/study together. If you want to talk to someone, you can move closer to their avatar so they can hear you. Otherwise, you can sit in a virtual sofa area or go inside a silent room where you can work/study with other people in peace. You can even host events, seminars, and parties too!

Avatar-based interaction lowers anxiety

First, there is no such thing as making or joining a call or a meeting. Once you enter, you can see all the people inside so they can either come up to you to talk or you can move and get closer to a group of people to listen to their conversation. If it doesn’t bring you interest, you can virtually walk away.

Second, the fact that it’s avatar-based, makes it 100 times easier to approach people and talk to them. You don’t have to turn on your camera or your microphone if you don’t want to. So if you’re shy, like me, you can just join as a listener or a viewer. In case you want to have a private talk with someone, you can go into a room and lock the door so no one interrupts you. Alternatively, you can just go into a corner away from other people and talk comfortably and confidently.

One strong feature is that when you turn on your camera, you can still see the open space and other avatars around you. So it’s not a huge screen filled with people’s faces. Well, unless, if you go into a room, but you can still change the view anytime because I know the feeling of being self-conscious about the way look and just keep observing yourself on camera. Sometimes, it’s quite addictive and stressful.

Things you can do at oVice

Boy, where do I start! There are so many things you can do at oVice! It’s like a whole playground and you have the keys so you can play around with it however you like to make it match your needs. Here are some of the things you’ll be able to do once you have your virtual space created for you.

  1. Personalize your space: you can change the background layout suitable for your space usage, build lockable rooms (silent/meeting), and add images, videos, useful links, or even enhance the privacy of your virtual space.
  2. Make public announcements: use the megaphone to do broadcastings in the open space.
  3. Share your screen: you can share your screen for presentations or collaborations and you can also share things like YouTube Videos and whiteboards.
  4. Video conferencing: if you’re the host and you want to be the star of the show, you can use the camera to only display your video, else if someone wants to join and open their camera too, they can use the meeting camera for that.
  5. Schedule meetings: you can add schedules to meeting rooms and send the link to the attendees and all they have to do is click the link when the meeting starts.
  6. Set yourself away: if you’re busy doing something else like taking a quick shower, eating, or napping, you can take a break so others know that you’re not available that moment but will come back later on.
Illustration by 目付き, Check Ovice Official guided resources HERE

I feel more confident when video conferencing

Actually, whether it’s a video conference or even a virtual event when someone’s sharing the meeting camera, I don’t mind turning mine on even if they don’t ask me to. Well, if they’re someone I don’t know, I get a teeny weeny bit nervous, not going to lie but it’s way better than before. At least there’s no sweating or shaky voice/mumbling LOL

If you want to try oVice yourself, visit the open tour space:

Submit a FREE Trial: https://ovice-inc.typeform.com/to/jCpT4sFC

Website Link: https://ovice.in
Twitter: @oVice_
Instagram: ovice_in

