Tried-and-True Tips for You to Enjoy Remote Work

Do it right!

3 min readSep 8, 2021


Made on Figma

Are you working from home and things are not going the way you expect them to be?

No sweat! If you’re a remote work newbie, you may still not have your remote life figured out. But with small habits included in your work routine, you can slowly but surely accomplish a healthy and fun remote work life.

Here are 5 tried tips that are easy to incorporate into your routine — and none of them are complicated or crazy expensive.

1/Prepare a comfortable workplace

A comfortable physical space helps create a positive work atmosphere. If you have a good spot by the window where you can get some vitamin D is a great mood booster. You want to also make sure to keep your space clean and free from clutter to avoid any possible distractions.

Tip: if you have certain items that you need for work, do not keep them near your desk. I find it useful to put things away so I can stand up and go get them. Sometimes we forget how much time we can be glued to a chair 🤷‍♀️

2/Prepare an essential software

And make sure each member uses the same software.

Trust me, you don’t want to be invited to 5 different meetings on 5 different apps. Choose something convenient for all members to use simultaneously without having things getting mixed up.
Right now, meeting apps like Zoom are slowly getting buried in the ground and virtual offices are becoming the new trend. oVice is a good example especially if you’re looking for something that works both ways, effective and fun. You can either create a one-office floor or a virtual company building if you have over 200 employees. Teams can get together at the virtual office, grab a desk, and start working. You can still hold your conference calls, happy hours, training, and client meetings inside the virtual office too, but using private rooms.

#Hitting_2_birds_with_1_stone 🐦 🐦 💎

3/Take breaks in their entirety

Yes, you still need to take breaks even if you’re working remotely.

True, that there’s a higher tendency to forget to take your breaks when you’re working from home because you don’t really see people leaving their desks to go out for lunch, or even just moving to grab a glass of water. Thankfully, there are many apps that can remind you and track your breaks for you (e.g Clockify).

Taking short breaks or lunch breaks at oVice is as real as it could get. While working in a virtual office, you can see members who set themselves away for a quick break. You can even see the ones hanging around the coffee break area or the bathroom 🤭


There’s no such thing as over-communicating when working from home.

Now listen, this doesn’t mean sending a newspaper article worth of text to explain your point, but it means that you should keep members of your team posted on the work in progress, the upcoming tasks, and blockers. Don’t be embarrassed to send reminders or repeat yourself, and especially do not expect anyone to remember what you’ve announced to them 2 days ago. Because they won’t.

5/Socialize with colleagues

Even if you’re extremely introverted, there’s no harm in trying to mingle with a few interactive acts within your team. Something as simple as reacting to a message in Slack, sending virtual claps, or even stopping by the virtual break room to say “Hi” to your colleagues.

If you’re someone working in the HR department, you should definitely form a virtual party planning committee. Yes just like the one from the American sitcom “The Office”. You can host regular party events, happy hours, and fun team-building activities.

Now that you’re working remotely, life will look a little bit different (and a little more awesome).

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