Weekly Hybrid Work Digest: new data on hybrid work adoption, Microsoft and Adobe join forces to drive innovation, rise of smart offices

Ovice Official
Published in
5 min readMay 30, 2022
hybrid work digest with latest news

In the last week of spring, we are back with the latest developments in the hybrid work trend. The materials featured in this episode of the digest make the case for hybrid work stronger than ever, with big tech companies rallying behind the new way of working and employees welcoming autonomy and freedom.

Today, we brought a deep dive into:

  • Growth of hybrid work in the UK
  • A hybrid-work-focused partnership between Adobe and Microsoft
  • The future of co-working spaces after the pandemic
  • Tips managers can use to navigate the steep waters of hybrid work transition

We are publishing new episodes of the hybrid work digest every week so be sure to come back next Monday for a quick pulse check.


Hybrid working grew in Great Britain even as COVID rules eased, research shows

New research shows that four in five British employees prefer to spend their productive time working at home rather than at the office. At the same time, they recognize the need to balance work from home and coming to the office and are ready to welcome hybrid arrangements.

Seeking work-life balance, hybrid workers resist returning to the office

In a new post by Financial Express, a few remote employees share their stories after being mandated back to offices. Most of them are unhappy with the idea of coming back, up to the point of handing in their resignations.

Adobe and Microsoft partner to solve the challenges of hybrid work

At Microsoft Build House 2022, the tech giant announced it will be integrating Adobe’s PDF editors into Teams and other solutions. The company said it wants to create “all-in-one digital experiences” for remote and hybrid workers.

There’s no ‘right answer’ on hybrid working, leaders at top world’s staffing firms warn

The leaders of Adecco Group and ManpowerGroup, two leading staffing firms, are skeptical about hybrid work, warning it’s not going to be a one-size-fits-all policy and there’s no set in stone way to implement it — it looks like employers will have to reinvent the wheel time and time again before arriving at the right answer.

The rise of smart offices in hybrid work

Most discussions about the way hybrid work reshapes office design are centered around reorganizing the physical space. At the same time, it’s important to talk about the future of the tech infrastructure — it looks like hybrid offices will be cloud-first, resource-efficient, and with optimized digital supply chains.


Hybrid work can backfire if you don’t have a strategy for these 4 obstacles

While there’s no clear-cut way to get hybrid work right, there are a lot of ways to get it wrong. A recent FastCompany article highlights the key obstacles that keep leaders from excelling at hybrid work and shares tips for overcoming these hurdles.

In an era of hybrid work, co-working spaces that have survived the pandemic are booming

The pandemic has been difficult for co-working spaces, with many having to shut down or implement strict healthcare protocols that effectively killed the collaborative spirit. However, for those who made it past the peak of the outbreak, the future is brighter than ever.

Is hybrid work here to stay | Office of National Statistics

During the COVID pandemic, the number of remote workers was nearing half of the British workforce. Now that the restrictions are about to be lifted, what will the future of work look like? New data provided by the ONS gives team leaders a better idea of what lies ahead.

Managers hold the keys to the culture of hybrid work in the Middle East and Africa

Microsoft analyzes the data provided by the 2022 Work Trend Index through the MENA lens. Most managers in the region feel out of touch with their teams and lack the tools to empower employees. At the same time, data suggests that none other than managers hold the key to boosting employee engagement in a hybrid workplace.


Ultimate guide to working from home

Finding the right approach to working remotely is a cornerstone of hybrid work — Investopedia has a detailed guide to help team leaders and employees set up the infrastructure, optimize workflows, and create a productive working environment.

Building a strong culture for hybrid work

Flexibility and autonomy are important decision-making criteria for job applicants — that’s why companies that offer hybrid work are ahead of those that do not. However, simply embracing the new model is not enough for building high-performing teams if a strong culture doesn’t follow.

Tips for balancing the complexities of hybrid work

Although hybrid work brings forth the benefits of both worlds — remote and in-person — balancing the two working styles is challenging and exposes unique vulnerabilities. Find out what challenges hybrid team leaders have to deal with and ways to manage these complexities.

Tips to help employees feel comfortable in the office again

A lot of team leaders assume that having part of the team back to the office will bring the pre-pandemic work style back. That is unlikely — as such, leaders should re-think the way their approach offices and in-person communication.

10 steps to protecting your organization’s financial health

The transition to hybrid work puts a lot of stress on organizations — the pressure to both maintain offices and enable a remote infrastructure, the need for new job roles, search for new tools, and others. Under these conditions, there’s a risk of making unsavvy financial decisions. To make sure your organization stays afloat in a time of turbulent change, discover the best financial management practices.

The hybrid work digest is brought to you by oVice. We help companies seamlessly transition to hybrid work by giving them a platform where remote and in-person employees can connect and work together.

Our team builds virtual offices for SMEs and large-scale companies — these spaces are designed for driving spontaneous discussions, onboarding new hires, and connecting with your team.

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