Over the Reality
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2020

The world never expected, nor prepared for this horrible pandemic! Just months ago, who would have imagined the world would be held to standstill, leaving people and business handicapped.

We now realise that social activities like meeting people, travelling, visiting new places and sights, were things we paid less attention to, and would wish to relive such experiences now more than ever if only our world is given a chance.

Fortunately, there is a ray of hope that we would come out of this pandemic and get back to living our lives, but this time, differently. Life is giving us a second chance to visit those beautiful beaches, mountains and monumental sights. However, one way we will do all these differently is with the OVR Experience.

Before now, going for tours required one to carry heavy guide books, maps and other tour guides which you had to read through and memorize thoroughly, marking out hotels, restaurants, and tour reservations before your trip. Every detail of your tour was practically documented in countless brochures and guides.

Smartphones laid the foundation…

The advent of smartphones, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain among others have helped disrupt and revolutionize business models, giving us the chance to do things better, most especially in the tourism industry.

Travelling has now become a pleasurable experience, you only need a smartphone and a sound internet connection, as with a tap of your finger, you can get to book reservations for hotels, restaurants, and tourist attractions.

OVR is putting an icing on the cake with Augmented Reality (AR), revolutionizing the way people travel. With the OVR app you don’t need to carry large chunks of brochures and tour guides not to talk of memorizing them, you only need your smartphone with a camera lens and a good internet connection. OVR practically puts the world in your palm.

The OVR app is powered by AR, allowing you to personalize your real world experiences with just a smartphone. Let's say you travel to your particular attraction of interest, the OVR app is enabled to give you recommendations on hotels, cars, restaurants, and attractions.

That’s not all, with the OVR app, while you go about visiting different tour attractions, if you come across any sight and thing of interest? Simply point your phone camera towards it and OVR will pull its wikipedia page and also give you information on; which building it is, when it was built, what’s in it, who built it, who commissioned it, opening hours, relevant historical data, fun facts, reviews...OVR will give you basically every information.

No need to carry large tour guides and maps, no need for tapping and searching. Simply point and read! OVR gives you information on everything, point your phone at that restaurant to get information on its menu, prices and reviews, point your phone at that hotel to get information on rooms, bookings and reservations! Travelling is that easy with OVR.

Wait! There's more- the opportunity to visit the place without moving from home thanks to our AR/VR Portal. This is the most fascinating OVR feature useful in this lockdown period. Imagine having a good time with your family by visiting a zoo without moving from your home. Yes, that's possible.

OVR is defining a new standard in augmented reality where geographical experiences are based on the user’s position. Nevertheless, from your room, you could get entertained, start your next tour, know the exact befitting things to shop for, etc. OVR practically gives momentum to every venture.

About OVR

OVR is a cutting edge AR platform powered by the Ethereum Blockchain. OVR makes it possible for users provided with a mobile device or a smart glass to live interactive augmented reality experiences customized in the real world. OVR can be defined as a new standard in augmented reality where geographical experiences are based on the user’s position.

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Over the Reality

The World-Scale Augmented Reality Platform from OVER is Here… And It’s Waiting for You to Claim It