Explanation of What’s Here and How to Find It

Owen Ketillson
Owen Ketillson's Game Thoughts
1 min readDec 13, 2016

Looking for an explanation of the various series on the site?

Worlds & Their Builders

From time to time I get the pleasure of interviewing developers. Sometimes for this blog, other times for other publications but here are the ones I am allowed to share here.

Itch Game of the Week

When time allows, I like selecting and curating some of itch.io’s most interesting projects. In recent years more and more people are covering experimental and tiny scoped projects so this feature tries to focus on smaller projects that are passed over by the streamers and larger sites. I also always make my selection from releases of the last week to try and keep abreast of trends and catch projects that could use an early signal boost. But I’m willing to bend my guidelines if a project is of particular interest. Here is the itch.io collection of all the games I’ve featured.

Game Club

I also really like participating and following along with game clubs. I’ve participated alongside with Videogame Lookclub, Cane and Rinse and Waypoint 101. There are other good ones I follow along with but haven’t written anything for such as Abnormal Mapping and Bullet Points. This section is a collection of things I’ve written in for the various clubs.


