Internships Made Easy

Luke Jenkins
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2017

We are very excited here at OweYaa to be rolling out new features that make internships extremely easy for companies that are looking to on-board new talent, mentor growing leaders, and build their companies.

This article is a touch different from our normal ones here on the OweYaa blog. Instead of advice, or talking about an issue, we are going to showcase what we have now pushed live to

For companies, internships can be an extremely valuable tool to grow their companies and bring in new talent while mitigating their hiring overhead. We have now made this process even easier. On OweYaa, a company simply signs up, purchases a membership, and we take care of the rest! The first main difference is that we require our companies to upload an internship- project. With a specific task and end state in mind, we personally match the intern to the project, not just the company. This approach, we have found, is far more effective to creating a process that is extremely productive for the company and very beneficial to the intern. With a project and a personally matched intern, we completely take care of the rest. We allocate and pay the intern a stipend, allocate a percentage of funds for intern education and training, we provide a project management portal, and we monitor the hours worked in order to make sure both the intern and the companies time are valued.

Browse Featured Interns and Initiate Personal Intern Searches

So what does this all look like on OweYaa? A simple (and yes evolving) platform. A quick signup grants access and from there companies can unlock features. Not ready to purchase a full membership? We offer a starter pack where a company can purchase intern browsing and personal intern searches. What does this mean? At a lower cost, companies can favorite interns and even request to work with them. Additionally, on request, we will initiate an intern search in our Veteran and Military Spouse community to find the company an intern with a specific skill set and experience the company is looking for. Once we find the perfect intern, the company purchases the full membership and the internship match will take place!

Company Dashboard For Managing Matched Projects

Additionally, here at OweYaa we believe in building inclusive businesses. Because of this we offer a “Building Inclusive Businesses Scholarship.” Companies simply apply for the scholarship on the membership purchase page and once we verify the company information we will provide a personalized discount code. Scholarships can reduce membership costs up to 55% and are calculated based on company size/revenue.

This is just a brief highlight of the functionality we have rolled out and the direction we are taking OweYaa. We are extremely excited to continue grow our company network as well as continue to produce great internship matches that benefit them and our incredible network of military interns. Join the movement today at!

OweYaa is a platform and service that is helping veterans and military spouses build better careers through an integrated training and internship experience while creating a productive hiring process for growing companies. It was founded out of the need to go beyond just translating military skills into civilian skills and instead provide a platform for veterans and military spouses to showcase their talents to companies. Learn more at

Luke Jenkins is a member of the Active Duty Military and USMA grad who helped to identify the need for a more integrated process to hiring, especially within the transitioning military community.

