Next-Gen Internship (A short explanation and call to Action)

Luke Jenkins
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2017

What is a Next-Gen Internship? Well, it is the system and opportunity that we have created here at OweYaa. The next-gen internship is both the evolution of company outsourcing and the internship. It takes the revolution we have seen in hiring freelancers for specific tasks and projects and brings that approach into the learning and hiring process that is associated with the traditional internship.

You see, internships have been an incredible asset for years in finding and acquiring great talent for growing companies. Did you know that “in the National Association of Colleges & Employers (NACE) 2012 Internship & Co-op Survey it was reported that more than 40% of the total expected number of new hires for 2011 – 2012 were expected to come from a company’s internship program” (TheBalance, 2016). And it has been said that number is only increasing. Why? Because a company really gets to learn about a candidate when they actually get in the door and do some work. So, you say, great the internship already exists what is different about the next-gen?

Well, today people are on the move. Especially our military community and their families. Getting on location and stopping everything to do an internship can add unnecessary burdens to a candidate and their family. The solution? Evolve the internship. This is where we take the practice of outsourcing projects and tasks and bring them to candidate looking to transition or build towards full-time employment. By doing this, we give our community of service members what they need, access. Just like the freelance marketplace, most projects and tasks within the tech and creative industries are able to be completed online and on personal time. Orientating internships around this idea allows our candidates to access great internship opportunities nationwide and complete them in their free time. The complete process creates the opportunity for the candidate to professionally develop, build connections, and gain the vital experience that makes them competitive today. Not to mention, that increased odds that the sponsor company will end up hiring their intern is a nice boost.

So, we ask you, whether you are just starting your job search, looking for a career change, or just looking to continue that professional development, consider a next-gen internship with OweYaa. We are standing by to help you gain access into some our nation’s fastest growing companies all over the country. The call to action, come check it out and see if it’s a fit for you.

OweYaa is a platform and service that is helping veterans and military spouses build better careers through an integrated training and internship experience while creating a productive hiring process for growing companies. It was founded out of the need to go beyond just translating military skills into civilian skills and instead provide a platform for veterans and military spouses to showcase their talents to companies. Learn more at

Luke Jenkins is a member of the Active Duty Military and USMA grad who helped to identify the need for a more integrated process to hiring, especially within the transitioning military community.

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