Productive Hiring

Luke Jenkins
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2017

Today companies need every advantage they can to grow quickly and build strong companies. Especially when it comes to hiring new employees. The traditional way of recruiting, interviewing, and hiring has its merits but also comes with an inherit risk and cost. How much? According to business adviser William Bliss it could be over $3,500 just to recruit and hire an $8/hr employee, with an additional $1,200 in training (Investopedia, 2011). Then there are questions like: How many interviews will it take? Will the employee work out once they are a part of the team?

So, with so much uncertainty how can we reduce hiring costs and mitigate the risk of an employee not working out?

Most recruiting agencies are trying to answer the call through tailored matching. Using beautiful algorithms and matching processes like eHarmony for business. This is certainly to help streamline the process but the fact is that the best algorithm in the world can’t tell you exactly how that person will work with your team or how great of an employee they will be for you. The only way to really know that is to actually work with your new-found candidate.

Improve the hiring process by directly working with your candidate

So how do you do that without going through the whole process, hiring them and hoping for the best? You simply try before you buy, through a limited scope internship. At OweYaa we apply all the great matching and personal recruiting for a position but we take it the step further, the step that is needed to really know if someone is the right employee for your company or not.

OweYaa creates a pipeline that allows you to pick out a specific project, something you need done in your company and we align a candidate with it. Then the magic happens. After we link the candidate to the project, not just the company, you as the employer get the opportunity to work hand in hand with your potential employee. You get to learn how they work, see if they are a culture fit, and see what motivates and drives them. All the while that task of yours is getting done. This is productive hiring. It takes guess work out hiring. It empowers the employer by mitigating risk exposure and empowers employee by allowing them to showcase their skills rather than just tell you about them. Lastly, the process reduces overhead and risk associated to hiring by controlling the scope of the internship and completely eliminating the need for the lengthy and costly process of recruiting and interviewing.

So next time you want to build your team, your product, your company, look to a limited internship that can get you the right talent for the right price and the right risk level. Make your hiring productive with OweYaa today.

OweYaa is a platform and service that is helping veterans and military spouses build better careers through an integrated training and internship experience while creating a productive hiring process for growing companies. It was founded out of the need to go beyond just translating military skills into civilian skills and instead provide a platform for veterans and military spouses to showcase their talents to companies. Learn more at

Luke Jenkins is a member of the Active Duty Military and USMA grad who helped to identify the need for a more integrated process to hiring, especially within the transitioning military community.

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