Tips for Getting the Most out of the OWL Network

While it’s easy to get a lot out of our community simply by joining our Google Group, LeanIn Circle or enjoying the occasional post that scrolls across your Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter feed, we also encourage our members to engage more regularly with us so we can continue to build a strong network of women leaders. Here are a few suggestions!

  • Make a shortcut to OWL Network and check the Group page regularly.
  • Follow the Leader! You can see the most important posts first if you follow Jodi Ochstein, the founder of OWL Network.
  • Check out Announcements, Topics Tags, and our Group Story for relevant, timely information.
  • Engage with posts by commenting — based on Facebook’s algorithm, posts with more comments (not likes) are seen by more people. Tag a friend when you see a story or article she might like.
  • Ask about starting an official OWL Network Chapter.
  • Add your friends to the group! We are trying to grow the community to reach even more women leaders. The community is open to all members, regardless of background. That said, please remember that OWL Network is exclusively for women.
  • Sign up for our newsletter.
  • Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Medium.



Jodi Ochstein
OWL Network — Organizing Women to Lead

Food Writer. Political Commentator. Network Builder. Public Relations, Brand and Web Developer at