Defining Me

Stephen Pal-George
Owl Theology
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2020


Of all the questions that there are to be asked (& there are many), perhaps the two most important are “Who is God?” & “Who am I?”, in that order. In a decision that can only be indicative of this author’s aspirations, I henceforth address the latter.

I write in the midst of a cultural phenomenon, on the crest of a wave of tolerance, liberty, rights, social justice and lots of lives that matter. I write surrounded by systematic labelling, by a taxonomaniacal establishment that would reduce to a tetragram the manifold nuances of my personality. I write from the avante-garde defence of truth in a war waged by the disenfranchised. In uncertain times, in unpredictable times, I follow the Way, I look to Christ & I stand on the permanence of God’s goodness & faithfulness.

A close up portrait of Stephen Pal-George
Thinking about who am I and how I know

Who does the creator of Heavens and Earth say that I am? Could it be that I am eternal? A self not dependant on mood? That there is an everlasting, unshakeable definition of me that doesn’t ebb or flow with the tide of how I see myself, but instead anchors to the bedrock of Spirit-born new creation and purposeful, deliberate genesis?

I am an image of God, full of fear & wonder. I am a child of God, born of Spirit & flesh. I am an heir of God, saved by choice & grace. I am a new creation, renewed in heart & mind. Before anything else, before all labels, titles & categories, I am a man of God, as such a man of…



Stephen Pal-George
Owl Theology

I'm a front end developer by day. I love patterns and anything interesting. Writing about code and theology...for now...