Owl Protocol on Linea

Owl Protocol
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2023

In the ever-evolving world of blockchain technology, simplicity and accessibility are the keys to unlocking its full potential.

Today, we’re excited to unveil a game-changing partnership that brings this vision to life.

Owl API, a web3 development framework known for simplifying smart contract creation and management, is joining forces with Linea, a blockchain platform that combines the power of zero-knowledge proofs with full Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) equivalence.

This collaboration ensures a straightforward, developer-friendly approach to blockchain, making it easier than ever to bring projects to life in the world of web3

For more info on Linea visit: https://linea.build

Deploy Business Use-Cases on Linea without Web3 Developers

Owl API allows developers to deploy and manage their Web3 projects through a simple API without worrying about managing private keys and gas fees.

Our suite of pre-built smart contracts allows advanced features such as :

  • Dynamic NFTs — digital assets that have on-chain executable data
  • Real-World Assets — connect and sync off-chain data to digital assets
  • Brand Loyalty — track memberships, user journeys, and create engaging cross-brand partnerships
  • Gaming Utilities — composable NFTs (ERC6551) enable advanced features for gaming, such as DNA, crafting, upgrading, and more

With Owl API, your business or project can leverage your existing developers to build on Web3, without retraining or hiring entire new teams.


Using the API

No private keys or gas fees are required.

To get started:

  1. Sign up at https://dashboard.owlprotocol.xyz
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Copy your API Key

Developers have two easy ways to call the API:


The most flexible option is to use our REST API with the reference docs found at https://docs-api.owlprotocol.xyz/reference.

The endpoint you would call is http://contracts-api.owlprotocol.xyz/api/.

All our API endpoints follow the Open API 3.0 standard, so you can optionally view our Swagger UI at http://contracts-api.owlprotocol.xyz/.

2. TRPC Clients

Our API uses the TypeSafe tRPC protocol — https://trpc.io, which also supports many software languages, but natively it supports TypeScript, which is what we are seeing the vast majority of dApps being written in.

The TypeScript tRPC Client can be found at: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@owlprotocol/contracts-api-client-trpc

A handy Starter Template is available at:

More clients are coming soon for the most popular programming languages; if there’s a specific one you want for your project, please let us know at contact@owlprotocol.xyz.

Supported Networks

Owl Protocol can support hundreds of blockchains, which will be rolled out eventually.

For now, we’re in beta testing so you can access Polygon Testnet (Mumbai), and Linea Testnet by passing in the correct chainId found at https://chainlist.org in thenetworkId param.

For example, to deploy a new ERC20 Mintable contract, you would use the Linea chainId of 59140 to:


And pass in the deployParams as shown in the docs: https://docs-api.owlprotocol.xyz/reference/deploy-erc20mintable.

How It Works

Keyless Architecture

We generate an MPC wallet, which is stored in a secure sharded environment by our partners, that is then used to sign every transaction generated by our API.

This means each user gets their own Web3 wallet without the hassle of writing down seed phrases or managing private keys.

No Vendor Lock-In

Our architecture also centers around a Gnosis SAFE multi-sig wallet, which supports wallet abstraction and multiple signing keys.

This allows you to revoke access by our hosted MPC wallet in the future if you want to control your private keys fully non-custodial.

Ps: Advanced key management features will be rolled out in the future.

Gasless — Gas Sponsorship

Owl Protocol uses relayers and meta-transactions to allow users to onboard to the API without requiring upfront payment, credit cards, or, even worse, purchasing crypto through an exchange.

We will soon introduce a seat-based API access payment model that will be scalable for most businesses.

Join Us on Discord for Early Access!

We will launch on mainnet in the coming weeks and hope to see you in Discord for exclusive access, features, and feedbacks.
Join us at: https://discord.com/invite/7sANzfGUfe.



Owl Protocol

Twitter:@owlprotocol_xyz — #Web3 for Every Business, One Simple API - as easy to use as any Web2 #API, just sign up, get an API key, and deploy on any EVM Chain