Postman API Authentication with Pre-request Script

Piotr Macha
Published in
2 min readMar 31, 2022

Postman ( is a popular client for working with REST API and includes many useful tools to make our life easier. A common authentication method for such APIs is a Bearer Token scheme where we pass a token received from the authentication server in an “Authorization” HTTP header. Unfortunately, the token is usually short-lived, so we need to refresh it from time to time. Postman makes it easy to refresh the token automatically behind the scenes before sending a request. We will use environment variables and a powerful pre-request script to ensure our credentials are always valid.

In my case, I am using Keycloak ( for issuing OAuth2/OpenID tokens with a password grant type for convenience, but you can apply a similar approach to other auth servers and credential grant types.

Environment variables

Environment variables are a way to store and share the data between the API requests. I am defining the following ones:

  • sso_url — HTTP address of Keycloak token endpoint like https://<KEYCLOAK_HOST>/auth/realms/<REALM_NAME>/protocol/openid-connect/token
  • sso_username — username for password grant
  • sso_password — password for password grant
  • token — variable to store current token
  • token_expires_at — variable to store the token expiration date

Global Collection Authorization

Postman lets you group requests into collections and set a common authentication type for all of them. Our token is stored inside the “token” environment variable and we use the Bearer type so the Authorization settings should look like that:

It means that for every request in the Collection, Postman will add HTTP header “Authorization: Bearer {{token}}”.

Global Collection Pre-request Script

In the same Collection where we defined Authorization, we can also add a pre-request script that executes before each request. Here we do the actual token validation and refresh it whenever needed.

Now, everytime we send a request inside the Collection the pre-request script will check the token and refresh it when needed. The valid token is always stored in the “token” variable so Authorization settings fill the Authorization header with a valid credentials.

Do you know any other useful use case for pre-request scripts? Share it in a comment!

