A note to OYS community

Own Your Story Team
Own Your Story Mag
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2019

Hey you,

When Frankie and I created a Hero’s Journey workshop on 9th August 2018, we didn’t know what to expect and where it would lead us.

We are very, very fortunate that many good things happened in the past 365 days, and very few of these are due to our own merit. So many of you discovered us, joined our journey, contributed to our growth, and empowered us to keep moving, one experience at a time.

We started OYS without knowing what it could be, it has been a meaningful and humbling journey of exploration. When we became the community partner of TEDxBangsar in June, it dawned on me that this ‘thing’ we created is important, it’s impactful, and we should be really proud of ourselves.

As we grow, it is all more important to remember why we started OYS community and chart the path forward staying true to our core. Frankie and I both went through mental health breakdown, we wanted to create a community that we could feel belonged and express ourselves truthfully.

That translates to our mission of creating a safe community that empowers self-expression, exploration and transformation, upholding the values ‘authenticity, courage and openness’. We wish to see a world where everyone can live a fulfilling life being your authentic self.

In the year to come, changes will happen as we create the structure that supports our mission. We will always remember our WHY, and we hope that you keep us accountable to remain truthful, and join our effort to make our country a kinder, better place.

Last but not least, I wanted to genuinely say — thank you. Thank you so, so much for trusting us, supporting us, nurturing us. Whether you joined us many times or just once, it all means more than you know.

I’ll end with a quote from The Little Prince I always keep in heart:

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

Lots of love,


Own Your Story (OYS) is a community-run platform that bridges creators and spaces through ‘fun, experiential & explorative’ experiences in urban centres, fostering a conscious community through connection and creation.

This article is written by our co-founder Isabelle Thye.

If you enjoyed reading this, we would really appreciate your claps! You can follow our journey here!



Own Your Story Team
Own Your Story Mag

We are building a conscious community through creation, connection and service