How and Where to Stake My OWN Token this Q1 2022

Micah Grace Rico
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2022

Staking is one way for crypto holders to earn rewards. When you choose to stake your token, it will be locked in and will be used by the crypto company to verify and secure transactions on the blockchain for a certain amount of time. As a way of showing gratefulness for your trust and help, you will be rewarded with additional tokens at the end of the staking period.

Benefits of Staking Cryptocurrency:

1. It’s an Easy Way to Grow Your Cryptocurrency

Compared to crypto mining, crypto staking requires less effort on your end because you don’t need any equipment in order to join. Rather than letting your token collect dust in your crypto wallet, you can grow it by joining staking opportunities.

2. It Helps Maintain the Efficiency and Security of the Blockchain

Staking contributes to the efficiency and security of the blockchain projects you support. By staking some of your tokens, you make the blockchain more resistant to attacks and strengthen its ability to process transactions.

3. It’s More Environment Friendly Than Crypto Mining

Staking’s mechanism doesn’t need high computational power, unlike crypto mining. The process uses very little energy, which is better for the environment. This consensus mechanism is called Proof-of-Stake and is more eco-friendly.

What Are Some Staking Risks?

Staking requires you to lock up your crypto during a vesting period. When this happens, you can’t transfer your crypto for a certain amount of time. This might be a drawback since you can’t use or trade the tokens you staked even if there is a price shift.

How Do I Start Staking OWN?

First, you need to have some cryptocurrency in your wallet and then you should keep yourself updated from crypto companies for staking opportunities. For OWN holders, they can join both the pool-based staking and liquidity-staking in the first quarter of this year:

1. Stake OWN, Earn SFUEL Pool-Based Staking

The first pool-based staking of OWN that will reward you with SFUEL went live last January 5 and it will be available for 120 Days. At the moment, there is 1,945,944,636.76 OWN staked in this pool!

Join the OWN-SFUEL Pool-Based Staking Here:

2. Stake OWN-BUSD, Earn OWN Liquidity Staking

You can also stake OWN-BUSD CAKE-LP Tokens and earn OWN. This liquidity staking went live last January 10 and will also be available for 120 days. As of writing, there have been 1,129,725.32612 OWN/BUSD staked already!

Participate in the OWN-BUSD Liquidity Staking Here:


Staking cryptocurrency involves some risks, but those risks are outweighed by the benefits. However, before you lock in your crypto, we still recommend that you do your own research. Stake wisely!

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Micah Grace Rico
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A digital content creator with a passion for writing and drive to help businesses grow.