Ownchain Development Update: Testnet Explorer, Faucet, Node Key and Affiliate Program

Ismael Jerusalem
Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2024

Exciting news from Ownly! We’re thrilled to bring you the latest updates on Ownchain’s development. Our team has been hard at work to enhance the core infrastructure and improve the user experience. Here’s a friendly rundown of what’s been happening:

Updated OwnChain Testnet Details

Network name: Ownchain Testnet
New RPC URL: https://testnet-rpc.ownchain.xyz
Chain ID: 68951720639
Currency Symbol: tOWN
Block explorer URL: https://testnet-explorer.ownchain.xyz

Ownchain Progress:

  • Node Key NFT and Affiliate Program: We’re making great progress on the NodeKey NFT contract. Our affiliate program will play a key role in our referral and influencer programs, driving network growth and engagement with the community.

Learn more at https://github.com/ownlyio/ownchain-node

  • Faucet (tOWN): Our token Faucet system is live. This will let users get a small amount of tOWN (Test OWN) tokens to start their journey on testing Ownchain.

Access it at https://faucet.ownchain.xyz/

Ownchain tOWN (test OWN) Faucet

Ownchain Explorer:

  • Stress Testing: We’re continuously stress testing all parts of the network to ensure they can handle real-world scenarios. This helps improve the reliability of node operations, making the network stronger and more resilient.
  • Bug Fixes: Our testing has identified and fixed numerous bugs, boosting the stability and reliability of the explorer.
  • Network Explorer: Development and testing of Ownchain is deployed and continuously improving the infrastructure.

Go to https://testnet-explorer.ownchain.xyz,

Ownchain Testnet Explorer

Ownly Website:

  • Visual Improvements: Our team refined the website’s look to ensure it’s clean, modern, and reflective of our vision for Ownchain.

Visit us at https://ownly.io/

Join our telegram: https://t.me/ownlyio

Ownly’s updated website

What’s Next?

These updates showcase some of our recent achievements. We’re dedicated to building a robust foundation for the Ownchain ecosystem. Keep an eye out for more updates as we move towards the node key NFT presale and beyond!

Your feedback is invaluable to us and plays a crucial role in shaping the future of Ownchain. Let’s build something amazing together! Stay tuned for further updates! We’re excited to share more of our progress as we continue developing Ownchain.

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