Ownly Marketplace Beta Version Features

Micah Grace Rico
Published in
4 min readAug 31, 2021

The Ownly marketplace is more than a platform that allows collectors to own and trade Non-Fungible Tokens. Our team is working smarter to make it look and feel like an intersection of an online gallery and a marketplace. We want to give collectors an enjoyable user experience as they look for that one perfect NFT art that will bring a smile on their faces.

It’s only been a month since we launched our marketplace, but there have been several updates already. Thanks to our hardworking dev team, the Ownly community can now enjoy the added features aside from the buy function from its Alpha version. Here are all the Beta version updates of our marketplace:

Sell Ownly NFTs

If you want to share the happiness you found in an awesome Ownly NFT art that you own, you can sell it if you are ready to let go. You decide its value, so you can set your own price.

Cancel Item for Sale

If you’re having second thoughts and you want to change your decision about an NFT that you’ve put on sale, you can always cancel and keep it for yourself for as long as you want.

Check Transfer History

You can now view the people who owned the NFT before you collected it. This is our favorite feature because it will show how a collector became part of the history of a specific NFT.

Add NFT to Favorites

Collectors can now make a private list of the NFTs they like by clicking the heart button. This will make it easier for them to check if those specific NFTs are still available. They can view all their favorited NFTs in their profile.

Add and Change Username, Email Address, and Bio

We added a few changes to your profile settings. You can now add and change your username and email address. Most importantly, you can add a short bio about your life and your love for blockchain, crypto, NFTs, or anything under the sun.

View Owned NFTs in Profile

In our Beta update, you’ll be able to see in your account your collection of different Ownly NFTs. Isn’t that awesome?

New Collection Deployed to Ethereum Network

Our latest collection — The Mustachios is the first Ownly collection deployed on the Ethereum Network. Now, you can now check out all the minted mustached beings as well as a glimpse of their personality.

What’s Next for Ownly Marketplace?

In the upcoming months, we will add more Ethereum support functionalities and the Make Offer feature available so that you can be part of our NFT auctions. For now, you should Check Out The Beta Version of Our Marketplace and Our Lovely NFTs!

If you have any suggestions for the Marketplace, our team is always open for feedback. You are welcome to send a message on our official social media pages and other online channels.



Micah Grace Rico
Writer for

A digital content creator with a passion for writing and drive to help businesses grow.