Science Fiction Incorporated Into Art: The Artist and Story Behind the Boy Dibil NFT Collection by Kcir Johan

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9 min readJul 22, 2022

Ownly Market Artist Launchpad presents its second partner artist on the platform, an illustrator that frequently combines lowlife and high tech — Kcir Johan.

From his collective work entitled “Neon Dystophilia”, his work aims to exhibit the inequality in our society. In his first NFT collection in collaboration with Ownly, he introduces Boy Dibil, a character that represents someone who’s willing to go the extra mile and do the dirty work for the people he loves.

About the Artist

Kcir Johan grew up creating art. He started sketching and drawing when he was around 4 years of age. He recalls comfortably lying on his chest on the ground, making drawings while narrating made-up stories about the characters he created.

Fast forward to 2015, Kcir Johan was one of the selected artists to participate in The Major Arcana project, where he was assigned to illustrate the single-edition Hermit tarot card. This was his favorite work and collaboration ever since.

When asked about his ​​thoughts on online galleries compared to traditional ones, Kcir Johan said, “Online galleries are better compared to traditional ones. The scope of online galleries is limitless while traditional ones are bounded by four walls.

Crypto art is versatile. It allows you to buy, sell, and trade digital goods as if they were physical goods”, Kcir Johan added.

In fact, Boy Dibil was not the first art collection that he launched on blockchain. Because of this experience, Kcir expressed that he understands the difficulty in selling works due to the saturation in the market, knowing the bearish status of crypto today.

Despite the journey he had as an artist, Kcir Johan doesn’t consider art as his career, although that would be his end goal. “I think of [art] more as an outlet. But hopefully, I can pursue art as a career.

About the Collection

In the Boy Dibil collection, Kcir Johan characterizes Kcir Johan aka Boy Dibil as a former biological researcher in Obscure, a Biotechnological Corporation. Boy Dibil was a high-value asset for the company due to his research in Telomere Length Variations, Human Cellular Aging, Cloning, and Facilitated Embryonic Development.

Definition of Terms

  • O.B.S.C.U.R.E — Outland Biotechnological Science Corporation for the Utilization of Robust and Robotic Entities
  • B.R.I.G.A.N.D. — Bioenhanced Revolutionary Group for the Advancement of Neo-Global Diversity. A multidisciplinary group of individuals drawn from the specialties of medicine, Biological Science, Military, Engineering, Archeology, Robotics and Arts.
  • With the Boy Dibil collection launching on July 28th, Kcir Johan teased that the collections can look forward to the story behind every artwork in the collection.
  • LOX — Liquid Oxygen
  • HQL — Hyperbaric Quantum Liquid

About the Artworks


Boy Dibil was still a human known as Kcir Johan a biological researcher, he developed a compound that may enhance humans, in several aspects. As the project lead, he solely knows the formula and composition of the said compound. He decided to test the compound and create a pill, which he called 3p (Peak Potential Pill) that enables humans to control aging, cell regeneration, and elevate intellectual ability.


Awe with his creation, he tried the pill himself to assess the enhancing capabilities of the said pill, which turned sideways. The pill has side effects on every individual although it greatly elevates traits, on the other hand, it significantly enhances dormant or suppressed traits, goodness, and evilness in the example. In His case, he turns into a wicked apathetic being, with horns like a devil.


Upset by the results of his pill, he decided to recalibrate and do more research on his formula, but the company saw an opportunity in this, The Company wanted to mass-produce the formula, administer trials on mercenaries, and create a robust army. To his dismay, he disagreed about the idea and destroyed his research data.


By his actions Obscure killed his wife, enraged by his wife’s death, he went on a rampage and killed every Obscure employee who he thinks is responsible for it.


Now he was tracked by the corp and needed to hide and made camp on the outskirts of the city. Often called by his wife a devil whenever they are into an argument he decides to go by the name Boy Dibil.


From time to time, while investigating his wife’s death, boy dibil visits several OBSCURE personnel and interrogates them, you know what happens after that.


To release his rage BD joins an underground virtual brawling tournament wherein you can fight remotely but still have the ability to damage your opponent. In his current status, he can easily win fights and win cash.


The death of his wife made Boy Dibil miserable and made every way to salvage what’s left of his wife and would try to bring her back to life. He still visits obscure personnel from time to time together with his team, but this time he visits the Corp to steal essential laboratory equipment, reagents, and weapons.


BD as a mechanic trying to create his laboratory equipment and set up a home laboratory using remnants of his old machines, and stolen materials from OBSCURE.


To fulfill his task to resurrect his wife, he needs to acquire a fluid essential for his experiment, the HQL (hyperbaric quantum liquid). In one of his solo raids, he stole a specific amount of fluid in one of the most secure areas of OBSCURE.


Upon acquiring an amount of HQL BD attempts to reproduce it for his experiment, which he is successful.


BD was successful in recreating a new body for his wife after resurrecting her. He explained everything that happened in the past year.


BD is not known to be a coffeeholic but he is. On their way to a mission with his wife, he grabs a coffee in a nearby café.


BD just finished bathing after some killing.


BD has created electric fighting sticks to be used in raids and fighting enemies together with other weapons.


Together with his wife, they accumulated weapons, equipment, and other reagents they stole from OBSCURE, they tried to rehumanize him and remove the side effects, behavioral and physical side effects, but they only removed the behavioral side effects.


BD became the champion of virtual brawl tournament 2 and gained connections on underground organizations that will aid him to create BRIGAND, a revolutionary group that aims to rescind the reign of the government-backed company Obscure. He recruited new allies as well as made new enemies.


After winning in Virtual brawl tournament 2, BD made allies with a particular conglomerate of a syndicate who betted in his fights. The gang welcomes him as one of their respected leaders and sworn allegiance as well as provides monetary assistance to his cause.


Being wanted by the governmentt and OBSCURE, BD needed to be careful in his every move. He created an android version of himself to be his eye in the city as well as gather information on the whereabouts of OBSCURE big bosses.


BD uses their remote hacking system to gain unauthorized access to the OBSCURE system and network to know essential data about the corporation’s plans and confidential information. To no avail, he wasn’t able to access the information he opted to open.


BD in BRGND mech suit, with the funding and growing allegiances. BRIGAND is now a fully functional group and a bigger threat. OBSCURE has initiated a hunt against BD.


As OBSCURE together with the government wages war against commoners and bio-enhanced citizens, BRIGAND’s special action team retaliates by escalating the scale and intensity of violence against OBSCURE military units. BD leads S.A.T as Reaper.


BD in Special Action Team uniform


BD in Trauma team suit, Trauma team is a division of BRIGANDs that specialize in rapid military medical response, while responding to wounded S.A.T they also served as a secondary militia of BRIGAND.


BD in his secondary op gear, powered by particle plasma alongside his plasma blades.


BD searches for LOX, which is already banned on the planet and can only be obtained in certain industrial plants which are mostly abandoned presently. LOX is a compound he uses together with particle plasma in designing and fuelling weapons.


Another android version of himself that trains upcoming S.A.T and Trauma Team members. Both techs are controlled by BD through a neural link.


Years pass while finding ways to bring him back to his human form BD his, wife, and the team made an innovation that allows him to surpass his Devil form’s current state. This version is more powerful and he is saving it for someone, the very person who killed his wife years ago.


Through the years,BD has learned so many skills together with his wife, with the help of the multidisciplinary BRIGAND. He is now one of the group’s surgeons and aids in the biological enhancement of common citizens.


Finally, BD has removed the physical side effects of the pill, and can control his transformation; he has also fixed the errors in his formula through years of research. Without OBSCURE knowing, he’s freely roaming as an urban shinobi and still investigating the brewing plans of OBSCURE.


With his true form restored, he resigned as the leader of BRIGAND and entrusted the group to his right-hand Nite Lifram. He and his wife wanted to focus on their goal to hunt the unknown leader of OBSCURE.

“NFT is a very great opportunity for the artist especially in terms of selling their work.”

Kcir Johan mirrored his interests and preferences in the artworks that he created, and characterizes his style as cyberpunk art that incorporates a dystopian future. By reading the sequence of the stories of each character in this collection, you’ll be able to put together a genre of science fiction incorporated into art.

To support Kcir Johan, check out Boy Dibil here.

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