
Published in
1 min readAug 24, 2018

Welcome to our new show, <dev_talk>. We speak to the Own developers and ask them to talk us through their progress on building the Own blockchain.

The first in a series of videos. Watch our developers go under the hood to Own technology and explain our blockchain progress. The front end of our system is still in development so visualising how our build is coming along has its challenges, we have have prepared some visuals to explain what’s going on as the simulation in this video is a fraction of a second.

We have been receiving some fascinating questions from the Blockchain Developer community. Hopefully this video will go some of the way to alleviate some of the questions. We’d love to hear your views.

In this video one of our developers talks through our Blockchain technology. We cover how nodes parse transaction information to propagate blocks, how this bidirectional communication works between the nodes, and more.

Please forgive our slightly wavering audio quality, we will work on improving this in future videos.

If you have any questions for the development team, please pop over to our telegram channel. We can talk about this all day long, we’d love to hear your views.

You can also find our repositories on Github.

