Introducing the world’s first dual blockchain for the global equity market — Part 2

Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2018

In part 1, we explained about the challenge of public and private data in the equity world. Now we explain how we tackle this challenge…

Our blockchain is built specifically for digital share transactions

We’re building a digital share certificate on the blockchain which we plan to become the new global standard. Each side of the dual blockchain is built specifically for the public or private part of the digital share certificate. This dual approach means we have two distributed ledgers that work specifically for either private or public data. The public blockchain is built to support public data with limited information only (as we’re only processing transactions here), but on a real-time high frequency basis. Whereas the private blockchain stores a lot more private, encrypted information on businesses and investors. We’re building the two blockchains differently for these reasons.

Both of our blockchains implement a consensus mechanism which avoids resource-intensive computation-based validation and enables high scalability. This consensus mechanism reduces transaction validation difficulties and ensures that we can settle the transactions within seconds.

The public blockchain is built as a public network of servers. This means that anyone can register and become a node in our public blockchain network. With every new node, our network becomes more robust and stronger.

The private blockchain uses private nodes that will be controlled by us and equity providers that build on our network. To ensure connectivity, the private blockchain will always be the master.

Our blockchain will disrupt the global equity market

By overcoming the challenge of using blockchain for private data, we can build a blockchain network for the global equity market.

Our technology will be open source so we’re growing our community of developers now to build on our network and join us to reinvent the global equity market. Join the revolution.

Chainium has rebranded to Own. For more information about our brand change please read this medium post.

