Talking Technology…

Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2018

…with Anil

Chainium is growing every day. In Talking Technology, we’ll introduce you to the team so you can hear their views, in their words, on the world’s first dual blockchain for the global equities market.

For issue #4, let’s talk technology with Anil…

Why have you joined Chainium?

Big changes in technology are not happening every day. Two most remarkable in recent history were invention of a PC and the Internet. To be in the middle of such a change is something every techie is dreaming about. The invention of the Blockchain, and the opportunities it brings, is in many ways similar to the big technology changes happening before. To be part of Chainium means to be in the center of that change.

What’s your technology experience?

I have shipped my first application into production use almost twenty years ago. It was written in Turbo Pascal, and I still remember the thrill :-). In the beginning of my career I was focusing mostly on desktop applications for accounting, finance, inventory, manufacturing, payrolls, etc. (ERP systems), which I was writing in Delphi.

However, I have later shifted my focus to building multi-tier web application systems in .NET, with accent on business logic, data modelling, data processing pipelines, performance optimizations, parallelization, as well as the overall software architecture.

In the pursuit of more expressiveness in programming languages, I have discovered functional programming, which has significantly influenced the way I develop software and became my primary programming paradigm in recent years.

What technology challenges are you expecting at Chainium?

Blockchain technology is constantly being researched, improved and new approaches are introduced. This is a challenge in itself, because in such a volatile space what is considered as a good approach today, might be obsolete tomorrow.

Another big challenge, for most blockchain projects nowadays, is the consensus protocol. Consensus protocol is at the heart of a blockchain, and I see implementation of consensus protocol as the most important technology milestone in our roadmap.

What technology opportunities are you excited to implement at Chainium?

Working on a greenfield project is always a satisfying experience, because it gives one the opportunity to apply everything learned so far, when making foundational decisions about the project’s architecture. I’m very excited to have the opportunity to establish the architecture and implement the blockchain in a beautiful and pragmatic functional language like F#.

Doing that with a team of great professionals makes me looking forward to our future releases.

Where do you see Chainium’s technology in 2 years?

I envision our dual blockchain live network running and serving companies and investors all over the world.

Chainium has rebranded to Own. For more information about our brand change please read this medium post.

