Welcome QA Tester Semir to the Team

Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2022

WeOwn is gradually growing and strengthening the team! Pursuing the goal to supply the market with valuable blockchain-based products and deliver the best possible customer experience we attract ambitious talents who are passionate about Web3 world. Today we are happy to introduce you to one of the new WeOwn’s product team members — Software Quality Assurance Tester, Semir Kahvedžić — who’s essential for testing our products.

Welcome to the WeOwn team, Semir! How is your onboarding going?

Thank you for your warm welcome. My induction is going great, I haven’t expected it would be so smooth and clear. The team accepted me well and feel comfortable working with each team member. I believe we are cooperating effectively, and I believe this teamwork style will continue at that pace in the future.

Oh! Happy to hear that! Tell me and our community a bit about yourself and what did you do before coming to WeOwn?

I started my path with entrepreneurship in the hospitality industry right after high school. Those days my attention was captured rapidly by web design and website building. This passion approached me through my elder brother, who is experienced in coding. He also mentored me and helped to obtain JavaScript coding skills. Later, out of curiosity, I enrolled in the Professional Software Testing Course in Sarajevo. At the beginning of the course, it came out that I prefer Quality Assurance to coding, which I kept learning.

Tell us about how you entered the blockchain/QA space and what attracted you to the field?

I entered the QA space out of curiosity about blockchain and crypto. I was interested in how everything works and how things like online wallets, markets, asset bridges, transactions, and all the other essentials are utilized.

And how did you know about WeOwn and what makes you choose us to build your career with?

I chose WeOwn because I believe that it is a company within which I can learn a lot and implement the skills and knowledge I obtained during my QA studying. Also, I believe, that the blockchain field, as well as crypto and digital markets, have a great future and my ambition is to express and apply my professional skills and knowledge.

What is your role at WeOwn? Tell us more about your daily routine.

My role at WeOwn is to test all the products and services we, at WeOwn made. Manual testing requires wide expert knowledge and a lot of attention to detail. To test products properly, I need to understand everything my colleagues want to create, achieve, and deliver to customers. To make that I work closely with each team member and keep effective communication between us. My daily routine is to check my ticket- list according to priorities and urgency, after defining priorities to accomplish, I start writing test scenarios for the functionalities related to those tasks. In the end, I’m responsible to confirm or report about operation correctness.

What makes you particularly happy about working at WeOwn?

I am happy because I can work in an international startup in such an innovative field. This opportunity also provides me with a chance to obtain practical experience and learn even more about decentralized technologies. I was very nicely accepted into the team, it makes my career path with WeOwn even more exciting!

Which suggestion would you give to other young professionals looking to start a career in blockchain or quality assurance?

I would like to tell them that blockchain is an exciting field. I would advise researching various sources and getting to know everything that is happening related to blockchain today. I believe the deep knowledge of Web3 technologies will be even more valued in the future. The Quality Assurance in the blockchain is extensive and interesting. When I write blockchain tests, it mesmerizes me with its beauty.

I appreciate that you have shared your experience and vision with us! Finalising our talk, let’s play a short Quiz, but answer honestly and quickly!

  • The food you love: Cevapi (Bosnian minced rolled meat)
  • Movie or series you would like to forget and see again: Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings
  • Sport you are passionate about: Football

Thank you for your honest answers, some of them I can relate to. As a team, we’re happy to have you on the board, Semir!

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