When investor votes count, technology is your greatest asset

Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2019


Companies and investors haven’t always had a great relationship, but most CEOs recognise the need to get closer to their shareholders. When it comes to making business decisions, investors want to feel engaged — and organisations want their votes generate the right outcome.

Up until now it has been difficult to impact investor opinions, as voting opportunities have been few and far between. However, technology is changing this situation, and enabling company directors to have a bigger impact on investor voting than ever before.

Our latest website blog looks at how technology can positively direct the way shareholders vote on company resolutions — you can read it here.

We’re discussing how technology developments like My Own Market smartphone app are digitising the voting process, so investors can cast opinions wherever they are.

More importantly, Own technology provides detailed analytics on how many investors must vote to pass a resolution, and which shareholders need to participate to reach this target. This way, enterprises can start conversations with the most influential investors, to ensure they are on board when important decisions are being tabled.

Read our blog post on how technology can help to direct voting outcomes to put in place new digital tools that will increase investor engagement. With the right platform, you can ensure that investors with the biggest powers of persuasion vote in favour of key motions, enabling you to keep growing your business.


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