Trailblazers: Naz Perez — TV Host, Producer, Podcaster And Founder Of Heart Broken Anonymous

Rebekah Bastian
OwnTrail Blog
Published in
7 min readJul 3, 2020
Photo credit: Morgan Demeter

Originally published on

This Trailblazers series takes a look at the pivotal milestones that make up the life trails of inspiring women from a diverse array of backgrounds and experiences. We all know what social media profiles display about the end results women have achieved. This series is intended to take a deeper, more authentic look at the journeys they have taken to get there.

Naz Perez is a TV host, producer, podcaster, and entrepreneur. She got her start on The Ellen Degeneres show in production, and from there went to work at E! in their Live From The Red Carpet and True Hollywood Story departments. After E!, Naz went on to produce five seasons of The Bachelor Franchise, and then left production in 2017 to pursue a career as an on-camera host. She is now a correspondent for Rotten Tomatoes & Fandango, an in-stadium host for The Los Angeles Dodgers, and a co-host and producer of the I Don’t Get It Podcast. Recovering from her own experience with heartbreak, she founded Heart Broken Anonymous, a free support group that offers a safe space for people from all walks of life to connect and heal from life’s challenges.

After learning more about the trail that Naz has blazed, I got the chance to ask her some questions.

Rebekah Bastian: You’ve had an amazing track record of landing jobs you aspired to and creating exciting opportunities out of nothing, such as your athletic fashion blog, your podcast, and your support group. What advice do you have for other women who are looking to find their dream jobs?

Naz Perez: I have only ever applied to jobs that I truly wanted and believed in. I either cared about the company’s work and mission or I knew that the skills I would acquire in that job would prepare me for my dream job. All the roles that I’ve had and the places that I’ve worked could be considered a “dream job,” but they weren’t really my dream job. (Currently, I am living out my dream job as an on-camera host for Rotten Tomatoes).

After being laid off at E!, I decided to make a shift into reality television for practical reasons: I had to pay my bills and there were a ton of reality shows hiring at the time. I could have picked any show to work on, but I went for the only one I watched, and truly believed in — ABC’s The Bachelor. I’ve always had a burning curiosity about love and how it motivates us to do certain things — like root for a specific sports team, or move across the country. I also love to travel and can speak two languages. I had no prior experience in reality TV, but I knew I had a lot to offer and fought for the job. However, in that job I was working behind the scenes when my real dream was to be an on-camera host. So, I made the most of my time by learning from Chris Harrison, one of the best hosts in the business, and by brushing up on my interview skills with the cast. Essentially, you create your dream job by making the work that you’re doing valuable to you and by seeking opportunities that fall in line with who you are deep down. I am a curious, single, woman, so having a job that required me to ask people about love and heartbreak came naturally. This also drove me to create a support group for people that are heartbroken. Your dream job is the one where you get to be yourself at the core.

Bastian: You shared how your first real breakup — and heartbreak — is something that you were ultimately grateful for. How did that end up shaping who you are, and what perspective did it give you about life events that can feel unbearable at the moment?

Perez: What’s crazy is that breakup happened in early 2017, and it wasn’t until I was participating in a 21-day meditation challenge from Deepak Chopra early this year, that I really became grateful for it. As part of the challenge, I had to write a letter of gratitude to someone that really hurt me. I didn’t send the letter, but it gave me the ultimate insight and I realized that the break-up taught me so many things about myself. I learned that I didn’t love myself fully, that I was capable of falling in love, that I do want to be in a real relationship, and that love and rejection hurt. Like, really bad. I had always heard or seen love ‘hurt’ in movies growing up but had never experienced it first-hand. I learned that most of us feel alone in heartbreak and that it can be debilitating. I quickly came upon the realization that society doesn’t take mental health as seriously as it should.

When I was heartbroken I couldn’t sleep, I had no appetite, and I was having nightmares. I thought it was crazy that you could go to the hospital if you’re physically ill, but there’s nowhere to go if you’re feeling overwhelming distress! Forget romantic heartbreak, what about the loss of a child, a job, a pet or a friendship? The list of heartbreak is endless and it was shocking to me that there was nowhere to turn if you felt broken-hearted. So I decided to create a space, and that’s how Heart Broken Anonymous came to be.

The perspective I gained was that just like love is universal, so is heartbreak. Everyone goes through this. Everyone has felt rejection, and almost everyone feels lonely or alone in heartbreak. But there’s more hope in togetherness than being alone.

Bastian: Through Heart Broken Anonymous, what have you observed about the connections and dynamics between strangers when they share their emotional pain? What need does this connection fill that often isn’t met by close friends and family?

Perez: Watching people walk into a room as strangers and leave as friends is one of the coolest things to witness. The concept that you’re more willing to tell a stranger how you truly feel than you would your friends and family, is a very real one. We open up to strangers more than we do our friends and family because we have this inherent fear of being judged by them, or being given advice we didn’t necessarily seek out. Many people at HBA have shared that their friends are either sick of hearing about the heartbreak, tell them to move on, or aren’t taking their heartbreak seriously. This can make someone who already feels shame about being lonely even more isolated in their feelings, therefore making the heartbreak worse.

There’s a lot of science behind social human connection with strangers. Just being around another person has been proven to make life a little richer. Margaret Clark at Yale conducted a study to find out if the act of being around somebody can change your very subjective experience of good and bad events in the world. They had two strangers enter a room and taste chocolate, and found that the chocolate tasted more delicious if they were in the same room as somebody who was tasting the same chocolate! Nick Epley further studied this and found that, while we think that sitting by ourselves on public transit is more peaceful or enjoyable, it turns out that building a social connection with a stranger makes us happier.

So, what I try to do is take an awful thing like heartbreak, and make it a little less painful through social connection. Being around other people going through the same thing makes it feel less bad. I can’t cure heartbreak or take it away, but perhaps we can ease the pain a little by surrounding ourselves with people going through the same thing, and have them genuinely connect by sharing stories of heartbreak.

Bastian: What do you want women that are pursuing careers in the entertainment industry to know?

Perez: I want women to know that there is a spot for them at the table. That their ideas and opinions are valuable, and that those ideas carry just as much weight as their male counterparts’ and are, quite frankly, necessary. Sometimes we can fall trap to the mindset that we are less than, especially in the workplace, and that is just not true.

We still have such a long way to go when it comes to ending systemic racism, white supremacy, and sexism — among many other forms of oppression — but the first step in doing that, is acknowledging that it is still an issue in the first place. Women were denied the right to vote until 1920, but many people forget that black women were denied access to that right until 1965. As of 2016, the people who decide which TV shows we see are 93% white and the people who directed the 100 top grossing films of all-time, are 95% white. So as a Latinx female in the entertainment industry, the best advice I can give is to stand up for yourself, and when you’re sitting at the table, stop pretending you’re in a booster seat because you’re not. You’re sitting in the same chair they are.

Bastian: You shared how you’ve worked through the perfectionism and imposter syndrome to find a more healthy and loving relationship with yourself. What did you learn from this work that can help other women struggling with similar mental barriers?

Perez: I’ve learned that everyone has insecurities about their job and career, from the most successful CEO to the interns. I struggle with perfectionism every day in my job. If I so much as ask a question in the wrong order, switch the words up, or pronounce a name incorrectly, I tend to be very hard on myself and even sad for a while. This is something that I am always working on though, because no one and nothing is perfect. To be perfect would be inhuman. To be perfect would mean that I am a robot and if I were a robot, I would be unrelatable and it would ironically alienate my audience. Don’t be your own worst enemy, and rather get excited when you make a mistake because, in the end, you will be a better person because of it. Remember: progress over perfection. Oh, and maybe strive for a 93 instead of a 100. You’ll be a lot happier, and you’ll still be an A student.



Rebekah Bastian
OwnTrail Blog

CEO and Co-founder of OwnTrail, writer, mentor, artist, mother, wife, aerial acrobat.