CITV’s Spy School is looking for new code breakers…

Oxbridge Inspire
Oxbridge Inspire
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2018

Are you ready for a secret mission? Spy School provides a great opportunity for young people interested in STEM and enthusiastic about taking on challenges.

In case you haven’t seen it, Spy School is an action adventure game show, where each episode sees a different pair of contestants given a secret mission. They have to complete various physical and mental challenges to obtain clues that will help them in their mission and direct ‘Agent L’ around London. Each episode always starts with a physical assault course, where balance, strength and co-ordination are tested. Next, there are four games — all of which are mental challenges yet one also includes a physical element. The mission ends on location at a famous landmark, where contestants work with the presenters to complete one last challenge in order to succeed and graduate Spy School.

The closing date for applications is the 6th August 2018 and auditions are taking place in London and Manchester the following week on the 14th and 15th August 2018. The Spy School team have already started calling potential contestants, so the sooner you apply the better!

Examples of contestant challenges:

  • Anagrams and memory tests e.g. listening to something and remembering facts later or recalling something that appeared briefly on a screen;
  • Mathematical equations and problem solving tasks e.g. code breaking with symbols or numbers instead of letters;
  • Working as a team e.g. some challenges involve the two cadets working separately on the same problem;
  • Working out a story-line as it unravels e.g. depending on the story-line, having a good knowledge of science can be a big advantage (as in the Natural History Museum or London Aquarium episodes).

“Spy School is a fantastic opportunity for children to take part in a game show that really challenges them, both mentally and physically. Last series, only 2 cadets out of 28 managed to graduate Spy School without a single fail, which is why we’re looking for applicants who believe they stand head and shoulders above their classmates. Success is not guaranteed…..”

— Series Producer and Writer, Ben Spiteri.

Zodiak Kids is the production company that created Spy School; they have a long history of children’s programming, including shows like Scrambled, Joe all Alone and the Secret Life of Boys.

Oxbridge Inspire delivers innovative STEM education and provides guidance and inspiration to young people wishing to pursue STEM subjects at University and beyond. To find out more about Oxbridge Inspire and the courses and activities we offer, visit our website.



Oxbridge Inspire
Oxbridge Inspire

For ambitious and curious young people who wish to study Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths at University